7. Nuts

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The teachers realized that the new students, being from another dimension, would have no legal proof of living. They would need homes, schooling, and proper care. So, they decided to move them into class 1-A's dorms for the time being. A rule was passed that the ultimate students would not leave the campus.

"This is soooo cool! I can't wait to hang out with Mina-chan and Deku-chan more!" Oma smiled.

"Oh, that's right. We never got your permission to use your first name. Is Oma-kun okay?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, Oma-kun is alright!"

"Great...wait, Deku-chan?!"

"Nishishi~" Oma laughed. 

"Oi, little shit." Iruma shouted. "Your boyfriend wants to talk to our class."

"Hmmm, did you hear that, Mina-chan? Sounds like a pig squealing." He looked over to Iruma. "It looks like a pig, two! Who let a filthy pig in the dorms?!" 

"P-Pig?! Hieeeeeeeeee!" Iruma mumbled, embarrassed. 

"Iruma-san, calm down!" Kiibo said. "There is no need to make such a ruckus."

"Damn, she even made a pig sound. Way to prove my point, Iruma-chan." Oma said, inspecting his nails for dirt in a rather sassy manner.

Iruma ran off to Uraraka's room, where the girls decided they would sleep. It wasn't as cramped with stuff as the other girl's rooms, and Uraraka didn't seem to mind. Ojiro decided to lend the boys his room.

Oma walked over to Saihara. "Shumai, that pig said that you needed me?"

"Ah, I was just wanting to go outside with the class and figure out what to do."

"Oki Doki!"

He skipped outside, doing a little twirl before falling on the grass, laughing, and looking at the sky. Saihara sat next to him, laying down on the grass. Momota immediately sat down, about to start a conversation about the stars when he got a glare from Harukawa, who lead the others outside. The class of nine smiled at each other, gazing into the open sky.

"Y'know, for once, Momota-chan might be right about the stars." Oma smiled.

"Thank you! They're so amazing, aren't they?"

"And you know what I like about the stars the most?"


"No cage obscuring my view, that's what!"

The class laughed. Now that they were finally out of the killing game, they were free to joke and laugh about how much of a horrible, scarring experience it was to have seven of their friends die in such morbid ways.

Saihara was slightly puzzled. "Now that we're out...do we tell them about...y'know..."

"Hmmm...why should we?" Oma asked.

"Maybe we could, I don't know, get therapy?"

"We can get therapy without having to tell. Besides, I don't want people only caring about me out of pity, that's just sad."

"Well, when you put it like that..."

"I agree." Harukawa sighed.

"Woah, sidekick?!" Momota jumped in.

"For once, Oma is right. I don't want to trouble them with our tragedy."

"Wooooow, I can get Harumaki to like me!" Oma giggled.

"Shut up. And don't call me that. I don't like you, I'm just mature enough to admit when you're right."

"Aww, Harumaki likes me~!"

"Either way, seven people...got lost in that game. We could get therapists, but I personally don't trust them. And I really don't want to be forced to talk about it. Maybe when we're more...ready."

All the other students agreed. They were not ready to open up that discussion, and they really didn't like the idea of only being kept around for pity. 

Meanwhile, Jiro stood inside, listening in. Usually, she wouldn't be this nosy, but ever since she overheard Saihara and Oma's conversation, she had become invested in the lives of the other students. She wanted to know why their lives were in danger.

The ultimate students laid outside, enjoying the night air. Well, most of them. Oma sat there with his arms crossed, his patience being tested.

"Ugh! I'm getting bored of just staying here! I wanna go out!"

"O-Oma-" Saihara was cut off by Oma sitting up and throwing his hands in the air.

"Sorry, Shumai, but I can't just sit here, bored to death! I wanna go to the park! I wanna go to a boba shop! Ride on a ferris wheel! Skate on the ice! Eat mochi! Something! We just got out of a place with walls that reached the sky, and we're not allowed to go explore? Hell, I'd be fine with just going to a convenience store and getting panta! Let's just get out of here!"

"Oma-kun, calm down!" Kiibo said.

"I will not! I wanna have fun! I'm allowed to want to have fun! Fuck you!"

"Oma...I understand how you feel." Saihara said. "You must have felt really restricted in the game, and now that you're out, not being allowed to have freedom must be really upsetting. Is that right?"

"...Oh? More astounding work from the ultimate detective, I see~ And I know I'm not the only one feeling a little antsy. Everyone wants to go out there. They won't admit it because they're "mature enough to wait" or something like that." He rolled his eyes and got up. "Get off your high horse. You guys want out just as much as I do. There's no shame in it. Or...are you guys still acting as if you're in the game? Not admitting to wanting to leave as much as you do because it'll make you suspicious? Hmm?"

"Oma-kun, you've gone a bit too far..."

"I'm giving them a reality check. The reality is: You can go now! We can do things now! We can have fun now!"

"...It's alright to feel impatient, but please...just wait a little longer."

"Hah!" Iruma sat up. "That sounded super dirty! I knew you were a perv!"

"I-I am not a perv..." Saihara mumbled.

The rest of the class started talking about different things, while Oma headed inside. He was tired of the others denying how they really felt because of maturity. But more than that, he just really wanted to sleep easily for once in a while. 

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