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Oma stepped out of the classroom and into the hall with Saihara, who closed the door behind them.  Jiro begrudgingly listened in.

Saihara started the conversation. "I noticed that you used our safe-phrase. Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. We can't tell them about our dimension." What? She thought.

"Why not? They might be able to help us."

"Well, do you really want them to help us?"

"...What do you mean?"

"The primary goal that everyone thinks is helpful is to get us back to our dimension. Do you really want that?"


"Shuichi." Oma was suddenly serious. "You know that going back there...is basically suicide." Her eyes widened. Suicide?! What the hell?

"What, what are they saying?" Bakugou rushed her.

"Shut up, they're still talking!" Jiro said, then focused back on the conversation.

"But...our families and friends..."

"Buuut we have to participate to see them, now don't we?"

"That's...right, but..." Saihara sighed."I...don't want to leave the others behind..."

"Who knows? They might be here! We certainly don't know." Oma sighed. "Besides Shuichi. Look outside. Look at the sky. No cage, no walls, we're free! We can do whatever we want! We're out of that awful place. Don't you think that everyone wants that for us? Don't you think they'd want us to get out? Don't you think Akamatsu would be happy for us?"

Saihara stayed silent.

"Oh, shit. I'm...I'm sorry Shuichi, I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't have-"

"No, no. It's....it's okay. You're right. I...*sniff* You're right."

"Hey, you know I just want to protect you. I don't want you to get hurt. I...I love you, Shuichi."

"I know, Kichi. I love you two...I just...Akamatsu..." Who is this Akamatsu person? Why are they talking about her like she's...dead? Jirou pondered.

"She would be so proud of you, Shuichi. You've done so well. But you really don't need to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. You need a break. You need rest."

"*sniff* K-Kokichi..."

"At least, for now...we can rest in this place. We don't need to go back." Oma said. He knew the risk of going back. He also knew...the state of the world in his dimension. He knew that if they never went back to that dying world, Saihara and the others would never have to know. They would never feel that despair that Oma often felt.

Saihara wrapped his arms around Oma. He smiled sadly, hugging Saihara back. He mumbled little words of encouragement as Saihara cried into his shoulder. He started to hum a small tune that he and his now deceased organization sang at night, "Oma's Theory of Happiness." (Full credits to the original artist. Listen up at the top. Not mine. n o t m i n e.)

Saihara stopped crying after a minute. "I-I should probably pull myself together, the others are probably wondering what's taking so long..."

"Okay. We'll make time for you though."

"But I don't want to be a burde-"

"Shush, my beloved. You aren't a burden for being human and having feelings. Now, go fix your eyeliner. I know how much you love eyeliner~"

"Don't make fun of me..." Saihara said quietly, but he couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend's attempt at cheering him up.

"Ah, you know I love you, Saihara-chan~"

Just then, the two boys-and the eaves-dropping Jiro- heard a thundering of footsteps down the hall. Momota rushed down, running into the two boys.

"Saihara! Oma! Thank god, I've been looking everywhere for you! Everyone went through the weird portal thingy and we ran into this guy and- you just needa come! Now!"

"Saihara-chan! You go with Momota-chan! I'll get Aizawa-chan just in case."

The two best friends ran down the hall as Oma burst into the classroom.

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