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Oma sat up in bed. He couldn't sleep for the life of him. The moonlight reflected off his face as he sneaked out of the boy's dorm. He made his way downstairs, yawning. Hot cocoa...

He made himself a mug and walked upstairs, but a light from the second floor caught his eye. Inside Midoriya's dorm, Todoroki and Midoriya sat on the bed, talking. He leaned against the door.

Midoriya's eyes lit up as he spoke. "Todoroki-kun, if you were an Ultimate, what would you be?"

"I'm...not sure." Todoroki muttered. "I don't know how Ultimates work. Could you tell me again?"

Midoriya beamed, explaining his understanding of what the Ultimate students told him. Todoroki couldn't help but smile. Midoriya...the way he rants about his passions...what was the term? Infodumping? Either way...it's cute.

"Although," Midoriya paused. "...nevermind."

"What is it?"

"Talking about Ultimates and such got me thinking about their strange behavior. Like, when they all sort of tensed up at Iida's nighttime announcement. Do you think it might be dangerous at night in their universe? Or when Oma-kun jokingly threatened Iruma-san, and she actually seemed...scared. It just doesn't make sense. Oma-kun is rather small, and he doesn't have much physical prowess. So why did she seem frightened? Did something happen between the two that scared her?"

Todoroki nodded. "They all seem a little scared of Oma. It might be...his Ultimate Talent. He's the Ultimate Supreme Leader, right? Whenever he first mentioned that, I remember being a bit scared."

"It seems like more then that. But what? What situation would make such a physically weak person seem so threatening?" Midoriya muttered. 

"Tons of situations."

He looked up at Todoroki, confused. "Eh?"

"The situation must be scary, even life-threatening, but it doesn't seem to matter as much as how Oma handles it. I think it might be his response to abnormal situations that frightens them. He didn't seem too bothered to be whisked off to another dimension, that's for sure."

"Yeah, but...why? What would have to happen to make him react that way..."

"That...might be a personal issue for him. We don't know unless he tells us."

"Right...I was also wondering about Saihara's behavior. He seems...much more timid then Oma-kun. More...unsure. Yet, the two are in a relationship."

"Well...we're very different, and we're in a relationship."

Midoriya paused."...Wait, we are?"

"Eh? Did I say something wrong?"

The two stared at each other. Todoroki, oblivious to his mistake, tilted his head in confusion. Midoriya's face flushed as he thought it over. Yes, we do couple things like holding hands at times, or staying over in each other's dorms at night, but that's...friends can do that too, right? Maybe...

"N-No, you're not wrong," He mumbled. "I just haven't thought of it that way- not that I don't want to be in a r-relationship! I do! I really do! It just d-didn't occur to me that it was already happening..."

Todoroki sat there for a moment. "...Oh. Well...do you want to be boyfriends?"

"Well, y-yeah...what about you?"

"Yeah. So let's be boyfriends."

Midoriya blushed even more. "I-It's decided then!" 

Todoroki placed his hand on Midoriya's face. "I'm serious. I want to be your boyfriend, Izuku."

The two studied each other's face. Midoriya didn't say a word, blushing as he realized that they were leaning into each other. Todoroki kept quiet as well, wondering if he was doing this right. Is this what couples do?  He pondered. This is what I want to do...but...is this right? Guess there's only one way to find out.

Their lips met, just for a moment. The two backed up immediately, but the kiss remained in their heads. Todoroki nodded to himself, knowing that it felt. Midoriya, on the other hand, was lost in his thougts. His heart seemed to be pounding out of his chest as his red face didn't do well hiding his feelings. 

Oma sipped his hot cocoa loudly through the open door, alerting the two of his presence. 

"Sooooo...when's the wedding?"

They both blushed, denying the notion. But secretly, they both took a moment to think about getting married, and they both decided that they liked the idea. 

Oma giggled. "I knew you two were more then friends! Oh, I remember when I asked Saihara-chan out. It was soooo romantic!"

"Romantic?" Todoroki asked. 

"Oh, yes. I had to make it romantic! It's a requirement."

"So...what did you do?"

Oma's eyes narrowed slightly. "Are you looking for advice?"


"Well, what I did simply wouldn't work for you."

"Why not?" Todoroki inquired. 

"Eh...it's hard to explain directly. You see, I had to plan it out over the course of several days. The first thing I did was tell Saihara-chan that I was going to kill him."


Midoriya tensed up. "Why would you do that?!"

"To make sure that he was thinking about me, obviously."

"T-There's nothing obvious about it!"

"Jeez, calm down. I wasn't actually gonna kill him." Oma rolled his eyes. "I told him that if he could beat me in a game, I would spare him. A few days later, we were playing the knife game, and I cut myself. He scolded me about playing such a dangerous game while he bandaged my finger. Then, I told him that since I lost the game, he would live. I had already gotten him to care about me sooo much that he was genuinely worried about me when I cut myself. I was satisfied with stealing his heart, so I didn't need to steal his life anymore."

"So bold..." Midoriya commented.

"Apparently it worked, because the next thing Saihara-chan did was kiss me. We made it official, and we've been together ever since."

Todoroki nodded. "You two are a good couple."

"Yeah, he's probably worried about me. I should head out." Oma stood up. "Don't do anything too sinful while I'm not around."

The two watched Oma leave. 

Midoriya smiled weakly. "Oma-kun...is confusing."

"Yes. I still don't quite get it...in his plan, he never told Saihara how he felt. Oma relied on Saihara's inquisitive nature and patience to fulfill the plan. But that's such a risk."

"Maybe it's...because Oma wanted to keep Saihara guessing?"

Todoroki frowned. "I think it might be more then that...If Oma-kun was in a dangerous situation, like we were guessing earlier...showing Saihara how he felt might have put him in danger."

"I see..."

"What happened to the Ultimate Academy students?" Todoroki pondered. "And why won't they tell us?" 

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