11. My

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10 chapters with little to no angst? We must fix this >:)

Tw: Sewer slide, angst, death, drv3 mastermind reveal whoop whoop

Oma and Saihara were headed down to dinner. They were a bit late because they took a small nap together.

Oma passed the girl's dorms and paused, hearing a familiar tune. An awful, very familiar tune.

"Hey, Shumai-chan~?"


"I let the girls borrow one of my nail polishes, and I forgot to get it back. You go ahead to dinner, I'll be right back." He smiled, heading to the girls dorm.

"Oh...alright. I'll see you down there." Saihara couldn't help but notice Oma's slight nervousness, but he wasn't about to pry. He left the hall, going downstairs for dinner.

Oma stood in front of the girl's dorm, wondering which psychopath was playing Der Flowalzer at this volume. He tried to block out the memories of the first execution he ever witnessed. He braced himself for trouble as he opened the door.

He didn't brace himself for this.

Shirogane Tsumugi's hanging body, the dim light of the computer illuminating a Monokuma mask on her face.

He fell to his knees, the familiar sight of a hanging body and that song filling his mind. "What...the fuck..."

Oma felt the flashbacks hit him full-force. He gagged, almost puking at the familiarity of the smell. He felt tears fill his eyes. No. No no no no no this cannot be happening. Not again. Not now. Why?


Saihara sat next to Momota and Harukawa, smiling as he ate his dinner.

"Hey, sidekick!" Momota said between bites. "Where's Oma? He always seems to hang around you."

"He said he had to get something, he'll be down shortly."

Harukawa looked up. "What did he have to get?"

"Supposedly, someone borrowed some nail polish. I'm not sure."

"Shirogane isn't here either. That's odd."

"Yeah." Iruma chimed in. "That piece of shit weeabo is always at dinner."

"...You don't think-"

"No!" Momota interrupted, his usual smile filled with nervousness. "Nothing happened, everything is fine!"

Just then, Aizawa walked into the dorms.

"Sensei!" Iida said.

"Calm down, I'm not here for announcements or anything."

"What are you here for, then?"

Aizawa paused. "A call I got from a student. It's nothing to worry about."

Class 1-A relaxed, but the concern of the Ultimate Students only grew. They weren't stupid. Something definitely happened, but they stayed in their seats. They didn't want to seem...too paranoid. They whispered, only speaking in hushed tones. Aizawa observed this, but didn't comment.

He went right up to Uraraka's room, where Oma said he was. He paused before walking in, a lingering feeling of something not being right sitting in his chest.

He opened the door to witness Oma, standing next to Shirogane's hanging corpse.

He froze. The look on Oma's face as he read a paper in his hands, looking up at Shirogane every once in a while, was pure despair. Raw, unfiltered despair. An anger, a frustration, something Aizawa couldn't quite place filled Oma's eyes as he kicked a chair that had been previously knocked over.

"T-This...this stupid bitch!"


Oma glared at him before pausing, trying to calm himself down. "You...you don't get it...you don't...you wouldn't understand..."

"What, what are you talking about?"

He gripped the note tightly, crumpling it up in the process.

"It...it's nothing...you...I can't..."

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"...Yeah. But it's from our universe. So it doesn't concern you. Just...I called because I didn't know what else to do. Do I call the cops? What...What would be the right response to this? I-I've never had...someone I knew...k-kill themselves before."

"Oma...can I see the note-"

"No." Oma stopped him. "No, you cannot."

"Give me the note."

"You can't see. Y-You can't know."

"She was my student, I need to know!"

"No! She wasn't your god damn student!" The leader yelled. "She...you don't know what she did! W-What she caused..."

"Let me see the note."

Oma stared at the teacher, knowing he wouldn't give up. He sighed, reluctantly giving Aizawa the note.

Dear everyone.

I was the Mastermind. None of you are real. I cannot live without the killing game. I cannot live without Danganronpa.

Amami Rantaro, Akamatsu Kaede, Hoshi Ryoma, Tojo Kirumi, Yonaga Angie, Chabashiro Tenko, Shinguji Korekiyo.

And, lastly.

Shirogane Tsumugi.

Enoshima Junko would be proud.

Aizawa was confused. And scared. And concerned. But mostly confused.

"Like I said, it doesn't concern you. Just...do whatever you would normally do when someone commits suicide." Oma sighed, taking the note.

Aizawa pulled out his phone and called the police, staring at Oma as he stood by the body, tense. As if he was waiting for something.

As he finished the call, he put his hand on Oma's shoulder. The boy looked up at him, his childish mischief gone. It was as if the light in his eyes had left. As it that light was never there in the first place. He looked at Aizawa, and he didn't cry. Oma could feel tears forming, but not falling. His eyes were tired of crying. And he couldn't allow himself to cry in front of someone who only viewed him as an annoying child.

"It's okay to break down, you know." Aizawa said.

Oma looked away. "I...I can't. I'm the strong one. I can't break down."

"The...strong one?"

"Out of my class. I-I'm the one who never has breakdowns."

"You say that like...this has happened before..."

Oma kept his face away from Aizawa, cursing himself. Aizawa started to put pieces together. Killing game...if I'm assuming that he never reacts to things like this...

"Oma...has this happened before? Has...has someone in your class died?"

Oma stayed silent. He closed the tab on the computer that played a song on a piano that Aizawa didn't recognize. He looked up at Aizawa and smiled sadly.

"A-Aizawa? Can...can we keep this note between me and you?"

The teacher paused. "...Do you want to...hide the note from police?"

"I'd rather not get questioned about...you know..."


"Please, Aizawa. Please do this for me." Oma's eyes begged Aizawa to keep his mouth shut.

"...I...I will let you keep the note. If any officials ask me, it's my sworn duty as a hero to tell the truth."

"...Good enough." He said as he walked out of the room. "I'm gonna...try to break the news to the others."

Bnha X Danganronpa V3 Crossover :)Where stories live. Discover now