12. Balls

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Oma walked down the stairs, over to the Ultimate Students.

"Hey, friends! Can we talk for a bit? Outside?"

The ultimates looked at each other, and walked outside with Oma, who's dread was growing with every movement.

"So, what's up?" Momota tried to start the conversation.

Oma sighed. "...It's Shirogane."

Harukawa paused. "...What about her?"

"She..." Oma pursed his lips, trying to stop his voice from shaking. "...she killed herself."


The Ultimates stood silent for a moment, as the weight of the words settled in. The guilt of their situation returned, hitting them deeply in the chest. 

Saihara looked at him. "...You're...not l-lying, are you?"

Oma pulled out the note. "There's more. She had this."

The Ultimate students gathered around the note like they were in some fucked-up show and tell. Their eyes widened.

"It...was her?" Momota asked no one.

"Shirogane was...the mastermind?" Harukawa mumbled.

Saihara tried to say something, anything. He was too stunned for words to leave his mouth. Eventually, he was able to make a proper sentence form.

"The b-body...you discovered it, right?"


"...When I w-was walking with you, you asked me to go ahead of you because you left something in the girl's room...but...how did you know t-to go to the girl's room?"

Oma looked at his beloved, his dark and bitter tone conflicting with the shaking of his voice. "I'm surprised you didn't hear it. She was playing...that...song."

Harukawa chimed in. "That song?"

"...Der Flowalzer."

As soon as Momota heard that, he was filled with rage. "What kind of m-messed up person would-"

"One that puts shitheads like you through killing games, obviously!" Iruma said, quiet for the first time in a while.

Gokuhawa stood there, sobbing. "But...Gokuhara thought...Shirogane was a friend..."

 Yumeno grabbed his arm and cried with him. Kiibo had his head down, wondering what had gone wrong. Iruma had tiny tears falling from her eyes. Momota was too outraged to cry. Harukawa stayed silent, holding her emotions in like she was taught to. Saihara cried into Oma's shoulder, who wouldn't let himself cry in front of everyone.

Kiibo broke the silence. "Does that mean...the killing game...it's officially over?"

"Way to r-ruin the fucking mood!" Iruma shouted through her tears. 

Yumeno nodded. "I-It was a bit too soon." 

Oma saw this as his opportunity to help. "But, he is right. We don't have to worry about that anymore. We are officially free from the killing game!"

"You...you mean it?" Saihara mumbled.

"Of course I do! Hey...this means we finally fulfilled Akamatsu's wish."


Oma nodded. "We escaped. Together."

"...Y-Yeah...we did."

Momota smiled. "We escaped that hell! Akamatsu and all the others would be proud!"

As they were speaking, a group of cops walked towards them.

"We're looking for Oma Kokichi. " A cop said.

Oma looked up, sighing. "That's me. You want to talk to me because I discovered the body, right?"

"Yes, follow me."

The cop lead Oma away. Saihara tried to follow, but the leader made a "stop" gesture, smiling at him. Saihara wanted to be with him. He wanted to hold Oma in that moment, but he knew that it wouldn't get them anywhere. So he let Oma go.

"Oi! New kids!" Bakugou spat out as he walked to them. "I want an explanation! Just what the hell is going on?!" 

Harukawa whispered at Momota to hide the note, then turned to Bakugou. "You didn't hear from Aizawa?"

Midorya ran down the stairs, with Todoroki.

"K-Kachan! Wait a m-minute!"

"Shut up, Deku! And you guys. I wanna know why you're so secretive! Do you think you're better than me, huh?!"

Sighing, Harukawa glared at Bakugou. "Shut up. If it wasn't for that light show, I would have beaten your ass already."

"Are you saying something, you bitch?!"

"I'm saying that you're so pathetic that you rely on your quirk to boost yourself up. Where a normal person's common sense would be, you've filled with your own ego."

"Why, you-"

"Guys, guys! Let's stop fighting!" Midoriya said, getting between the two. He noticed the murderous glare both of them were giving. 

"Maki Roll, we should probably calm down." Momota said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"...I still haven't given you permission to call me that." She sighed.

Midorya smiled, his mission partially accomplished. "...Do you guys know what's going on?"

"Shirogane..." Harukawa paused. "...Her body was discovered earlier. We believe she killed herself."


Bakugou stared at them. "She...She fucking killed herself?!"

Iruma looked away, tearing up in her anger. "Yeah! She fucking killed herself! The stupid hag killed herself! Keep up, ugly assface!"

He was too stunned to respond. Midorya felt the weight of his reality crash down on him. "B-But...why? What...what could have caused this?"

"...Midorya." Saihara sighed, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "A...A lot of things happened. Things that we...haven't told you about. We'll explain when we're...more comfortable. This...wasn't anyone's fault." The young detective muttered the last sentence, trying to convince himself more than Midorya.

Oma sat down by the stairs, waiting for the police to decide what to do with him. Tsukauchi, the detective, sat next to him. 

"This must be...so tragic for you." He said, trying to talk.

The small boy mumbled a response, something along the lines of "Yeah, I guess..." He wasn't the most focused right now, having a parade of flashbacks hit his mind.

"You're...not okay, are you?"

At this, Oma let out a dead, nihilistic laugh. "Of course I'm not fucking okay. I'm not even close to being okay. My friends are dead."


"Can we just...not right now?" The leader uttered, his hands waving around his face. "I'm just...trying to process things."

"I guess..."

"Mmh...tell Shumai to come here. I need...something. I don't know."

"O-Okay." Tsukauchi walked over to the students. "Which one of you is, uhm, Shumai?"

Saihara smiled through his tears. "T-That's me. I'm guessing Kokichi wants a hug?"

"He didn't really tell me."

"Right." He got up, walking over to the small boy. As soon as Oma saw him, he got up and ran over. The two boys hugged, crying.

Bnha X Danganronpa V3 Crossover :)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum