Mall Run-In

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The exams went without a hitch. Izumi was able to go toe to toe with Toshinori, and Katsuki got himself knocked out for refusing to work with her after her little "reveal". Nobody liked Katsuki or Izumi, despite what Izuku said to them.

Most passed with flying colours, but all of them were heading to the forest camp. Izuku was set to be one of the chaperones, being staff and a trusted member at this time. He was invited to go to the mall with the rest of the class, which he accepted, being one of the few times he could leave UA campus. He went without his cape, crown, and mask. Everyone was surprised at what he looked like without it, and many girls blushed at the sight, while the boys were jealous of all the attention he received. Some girls, though, such as Tsu, Momo, and Izumi, weren't interested. The ChatTM had their own thoughts on that.

I would hope Izumi wasn't interested...

You wouldn't know with these types of stories...

Disturbing thoughts about the multiverse aside... his ChatTM was interrupted by Toru, who was the first to see him without the mask, causing the others to notice too, many with red faces. "You actually look hot without that mask..."
Mina agreed, practically drooling at what she saw as a handsome face. "I know..."
Trying to steer the conversation away... he stated outright, shutting down any potential confessions. "You girls understand I'm already taken, right?"
Toru sighed under her breath, a bit too loudly, "Lucky bitch..."
A blade was held to her throat, lucky for her it was only wooden. "Do not call her that."
The shock of being suddenly threatened by a blade, coupled by his ability to sense where her throat was caused the invisible girl to whisper, "I'm sorry..."

"Apology accepted." He visibly sheathed his sword. Everyone now knew that his love life was not to be trifled with. The act of defending her honor, whoever the lover was... only made the few that were into him jealous, but privately.

0 to 100... back to 0... just in a few lines...

Captain Neema

The group left for the nearest mall to find the necessities, while Izuku perused the place as he waited. While he couldn't leave the area of the mall without permission, the inside of the mall was fair game. Hey, any freedom from the rules was better than none. However, he found his private musings interrupted by a girl in a black hoodie, who approached and walked alongside him.

He knew who it was immediately, smiling without looking her way. "I'm surprised he let you wander."

Her voice was hushed, "Ever since he found out you were captured by Endeavour, he has loosened his leash. I'm still trying to figure out a way on my own... but you have a plan?"

"I do, it's just taken a detour. Do you know what he is planning...?"

"Something big, soon. He's assembled a custom team. One of Endeavour's spawn is a part of it... but that's all I know."

"I'm glad you're safe, Tenka."
"And you, Izu."
They walked past an art shop. Izuku looked down, and realized that she never had used a certain item. "Cmon... I want to get you something."
"What do you...? Hey!"

Definitely chapstick and lotion.


While he didn't change his expression, Izuku did become annoyed at the  insinuation of the items listed above. Rude.

Guys, it's an art shop- obviously it's gonna be a paint brush.

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