Hellish Negociations

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The first thing Izumi experienced on the other side was the blistering heat. Red burned into her vision, and when she opened her eyes after the nauseating travel... "What is..."
"Welcome to hell, or the Nether, as my quirk calls it. This is how I navigate Japan without any issues."

Hell was the appropriate term. Lava cascaded down from the ceiling, flowing from the top of the dimension to the bottom. Red soil covered the ground, and a lot of it was purely on fire. There were figures walking around, far below the cliffside the portal was built on.

"Don't be fooled, this place is far more dangerous. C'mon, we don't have the time to dawdle. Put on your helmet."
"Right." The golden helm obscured her vision slightly, as they trekked through the sweltering hellscape.

"Is there anything to alleviate this heat though?"
"Oh, right... I'm used to it, but you're not... here." He handed her a vial of translucent orange liquid. "Drink this. It should help."

Looking at it, she sniffed the contents carefully. "What is it?"
"Potion of fire resistance. It's how I survived Dabi at the training camp."
"Right. Bottom's up." She downed it quickly.

It didn't taste bad, like a cinnamon tea, and the heat went away. "Wow."

"It works quickly for 6 minutes."

They navigated the stone path made by Izuku. She was amazed by the variety of locations and creatures she saw. Her eyes were going to gravitate to a tall dark humanoid when Izuku pulled her along, taking her gaze off of it.

"Don't look at that one."
"Why not...?"
"They get hostile if you stare. C'mon."

They eventually passed through a village of sorts, full of pig-like humanoids.
"Piglins. As long as your helm is on, they are peaceful."
"Got it." She noticed the gold swords and crossbows they wielded. Some even wore gold armor.

"They value gold a lot..."
"Yeah, there is plenty of the stuff here. Iron, glowstone, marble... and netherite. The only ores that are worth anything here. Alright, just at the top of this hill."

Another obsidian gate waited for them. It was inactive.

"It's not on..."
"I sealed it as soon as we left for the training camp. I couldn't afford anyone to stumble upon this without my knowledge." He brought out some flint and steel, striking the flint with the small steel tool. When the sparks landed on the interior of the portal, it activated, and the film of swirling purple greeted them.

"Alright, ready to go through to the real world again?"

Together, they both stepped through.

Nezu was frantic as he organized the beleaguered heroes. Many were resting and food was running short. The last thing they needed was another problem... which just presented itself when he was alerted to an energy spike in Izuku Yagi's old quarters.

Damn it! He opened communication to Hawks, Endeavour, and Best Jeanist, the top three heroes since Allmight was forced to retire. "I need your help. There is an energy spike within the Blade's old dormitory room, I need you three to check it out incase it is another AFO attack."

"Right away!"

I pray it's nothing. Then we won't have to be worried about attacks.

Izumi found themselves in a self contained room. "Where...?"
"My old dormitory when I worked under Nezu."

"Right..." Just as they reached the door, they found Hawks, Endeavour, and Best Jeanist.

"So, you're here."
"Give me a reason why we shouldn't detain you right now?"
"Because I was invited by soror?" He stepped aside and Izumi stepped forward.

"You invited him here?"

"We need all the help we can get, and he hates AFO as much as we do. If not more at this point."
"Hmph. Fine. As long as he doesn't threaten us... I'll allow it."
"Thanks..." When Izuku passed by Endeavor, he whispered, "...just like you allowed Touya to fake his death?"

That forced Endeavor to act, "What the hell did you mean by that?!"

"Oh, you'll figure it out. I'd look to Dabi... Now I want to see Nezu."

There were many things that Nezu expected... and Izuku's arrival was not one of them. It was an outcome, but not one he thought would be a reality.

"Izuku... what a surprise..."
"Nezu. I am going to be blunt and to the point. Izumi asked me for help. Due to her actions in recent history, that is the only reason. In 8 hours, I am leaving, and enacting my own plan. If you don't accept that... then that's your problem."

"You have a plan?" That's better than us right now...

"I've had this plan for months, from right after the USJ event. I slowly made my way to Overhaul, and worked with him in an exchange. He gave me some of the quirk destroying drug, and I stabbed him in the back."

"Why would you do that?"
"Please, Eri is the reason. What he did to her was unforgivable..."

Just then, the door opened, and Toshinori stood in the doorframe.

"Hello Pater."

Nezu tried to talk to them, but they seemed to both ignore him, as if he didn't matter. "Please calm down."
"What the hell is he doing here?!"

"I was asked to be here."
"On whose authority?"
"Izumi asked me directly."

"Do you have another option? I have a plan, a method... and can offer my support. What can you offer?"

The two stared off for a moment... before Toshinori spoke again.

"Why would you even want to help?"

"I have higher priorities... and I am willing to work with you to achieve them right now."
They continued to look at each other, waiting for some invisible signal to continue past this moment. The first time they had talked to each other directly after Izuku attempted... and it was a proper battle of wits.

"... fine. It doesn't change what you are in my eyes." he turned to leave the room.

"I'm not the same weak, quirkless boy I once was. I am not a mistake, and never was. Remember, you made me jump. You and Katsuki. And I'll never forget that."

Toshinori ignored him as he left the room.

Endeavor sat stunned, "and I thought my family hated me..."

"Perhaps you should use this perspective to rebuild your own family... and leave me to my own."

He couldn't argue with that. "..."

Nezu broke the tension within the room. "Alright then, what is the plan?"

Izuku grinned, ready to finally prepare for the fight against AFO.

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