Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I think to myself, 'five more minutes won't hurt' and reach to turn it off, but I can't find my phone. It is usually charging on my nightstand, but it was missing. I begrudgingly stand up and follow the noise to under my bed. I reach down to get it, and on the way back up, I hit my head. Woah, that hurt a lot more than I think it was supposed to. Luckily, I'm not scheduled to work today, but I still have plenty of homework to keep me busy. Yay... I open my laptop to see Canvas showing me that I have 13 missing assignments. I can only be mad at myself for putting everything off till the last minute, but I thought I would get some work done last night. Last night, I can not even remember what happened. 

My stomach growls, and I realize I can not remember the last time I have eaten anything either. I walk out to the kitchen and open the fridge. It looks like I can take a chance and eat cereal made with expired milk, or I can warm up some fish sticks I bought three months ago. The fish sticks were frozen, so I decided to go with those. They have frozen into a ball somehow, but I figure it will meltdown. I turn around to get a baking sheet when I notice a foot hanging off the side of the couch. 

A million thoughts run through my head. Who is this person, why are they here, why are they not wearing socks? I rarely invite people over to my apartment, let alone stay the night. I grabbed the largest knife I could find in the butcher block and inch over. My heart is beating a million beats a minute, and my palms are so sweaty I am surprised that the knife has not slipped out. 

"Mhmhm," he coughed. Wait, HE??? IT'S A MAN?? Do you know the last time I had a man over? Yeah, neither do I. This made me even more scared, I am not a tiny girl, but I am not as in shape as I used to be. I can barely twist off the lid on a pickle jar, but I like to think I would be able to defend myself, I hope. I continue my journey to the couch when I am interrupted by a knock at the door. 

I pause. I wasn't expecting anyone. I'm not sure what to do as I am not sure which is more urgent. I decide to go open the door because what else do I have to lose at this point? Before I can get there, whoever it is knocks again but louder. I say a quick prayer before opening the door, only to be face to face with a man I don't recognize. 

"Hi,uhhh, how can I help you?" I tried to say this as calmly as possible, but in reality, I was shaking in my boots. 

He glances down at the knife in my hand that I forgot I was holding. Honestly, I am glad he knows I am armed. Hopefully, that means he won't try anything. 

"Hi, I'm just here to pick up Chase."

I continued to stare at him, not knowing what he was talking about.

He clears his throat before continuing. "This was the address that he sent me."

I remained silent, not sure what to say. I mean, I have no idea what is going on. 

After not getting an answer, he speaks again. "Okaaayyy. Well, just tell Chase I will wait for him in the car." He walked away. 

Does that mean Chase is the man on my couch? Surely I would have remembered if he was here. I rush into the leaving room with a feeling of hope that is immediately taken away from me. 

The man on my couch is not Chase. 

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