Chapter 20

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Chase finally came back when it was dark out. He unlocked me from the stock, and I dropped to the ground. My wrists, neck, and back ache so bad I forget about the pain of where my nails used to be. I try to throw up once more, but nothing comes out, and I am stuck sounding like a cat throwing up a hairball. Chase hoses me down with freezing water, but I don't mind this time. I scrub my face and hair with my hands, trying to get everything off of me. I'm not completely clean, but at least I can see now. 

"That's enough for today, but you will be sleeping outside all week," Chase says.

He goes back inside, and I run to the door and try to open it. Locked. I try all the other entries, and they are locked too. I bang on the doors and wiggle the doorknobs, but it is no use. I'm also stuck in the fenced-in backyard. I recline one of the pool chairs and lie down. It's not horrible, but it's starting to get cold. I have no towel to dry off with, so curl up to try and conserve heat. 


I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face. It's early, and my hair still has dried milk in it. I dip my head in the pool and give myself a more thorough cleaning. My hair is a little weird from the chlorine, but at least it smells better. I lay back down and lay on my stomach away from the sun. 


I jolt back awake. I must have fallen asleep. 

"It's a brand new day of fun." He says. "Get up."

I reluctantly stand. Here we go.


It's the final day of my week of torture. I have gotten slightly sunburned from sleeping outside all these nights, and my hair is so greasy and tangled, I might as well shave it all off and start over. My body is sore all over with all different kinds of bruises and cuts. One more day, and then I can move on to my plan. I have had a lot of thinking time, and I finally know how to get away from Chase. Forever. 

Chase grabs me, and we go into the gym. I mentally groan. I don't usually love working out, but especially not after a week of eating the bare minimum. He puts a strap around my waist and has me hop up onto the treadmill. The strap made sure that I couldn't get off. The speed started off slow but gradually got faster. I am now sprinting and can barely keep up. I feel lightheaded and nauseous but have to keep going to prevent being yanked off. 

I get to the point where my legs are about to give out, and Chase abruptly stops the machine. I fly backward, but Chase catches me. I try to walk away but collapse. I lean over and puke whatever was left in my stomach out. 

"You're cleaning that up later. Now come on." 

Chase grabs my arm and drags me away. I follow him on wobbly legs until we get to the living room. 

"Now, for your final punishment, we are going to play a little game."

I gulped. He is way too excited about this. 

"Here's the deal. I know how badly you want to get out of here. So, we are going to play a game of hiding and seek. If you can stay hidden for half an hour, I will let you go, but if not... you will continue to stay here forever." 

I stand and back away.

"You have a thirty-second head start, so I would start running."

I get up and sprint down the hall. Or as fast as I can sprint with jelly legs. I dip into a closet and hold my breath. I waited here until I was sure that he was not coming this way. I opened the door and looked both ways before I moved again. I continue moving from room to room, trying to stay one step ahead. I finally get to the room I have been dreading, Chase's room of torture. I walk in and keep the light off. I feel around to make sure I don't bump into anything until something grabs my hands.



I woke up the next day after crying myself to sleep. It took about a 45-minute shower and half a bottle of detangling spray to fix myself. I can't believe Chase gave me a chance to escape, and I was not able to fulfill it. 

I guess it's onto plan B. 

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