Chapter 8

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I went back into the bathroom and grabbed two bobby pins. I check to make sure no one is in the hallway before walking over to the door. I lean over and try to unlock the door with one bobby pin at first. That didn't seem to be getting me anywhere, so I started using two. I heard a click, but the door did not open. I continued fiddling with it when I felt a hand wrap around my waist. 

The hand turned me around, and I was face to face with Chase. He cages me in against the door, invading my personal space. 

"What are you doing, Lex?" He whispers.

"I umm, I..."

He continues staring into my soul.

"I dropped my earring, and it rolled under the door. I didn't want to wake you or Jason, so I was going to try and open it myself." I say. 

"I can get it for you tomorrow. Now come on, it's past your bedtime." He says with a chuckle.

He leads me back to my room, keeping his hand on the small of my back. He then kisses my forehead and closes my bedroom door. 

Well, at least he didn't freak out, but my curiosity still exists. I will have to think of another plan to open the door, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. 

I wake up a couple of hours later needing to go the bathroom. I try to go back to sleep, but the urge keeps me awake. I get out of bed and walk to open the door, but it's locked. I wiggle the doorknob, but it won't budge. I lay back down and eventually passed out.

The next time I wake up, at least the sun is out. I try to open the door again, and it opens with ease. Strange. I practically sprint to the bathroom, and when I am done, I head downstairs. Chase and Jason are already down in the kitchen making breakfast. 

"Morning," Jason says over his shoulder. He is at the stove making some eggs.

"Good morning," I reply.

I sit at the table with Chase and yawn.

"Tired?"Chase asks.

"Yeah, I tried to go to the bathroom late last night, but my door wouldn't open. It kept me up for a bit." 

"That happens sometimes; it's an old house," Jason responds. 

When we're done eating, Chase and Jason announce that they have to go into town for some business. They practically forbid me from leaving the house but taught me how to use the tv. It looks like I will be binge-watching HGTV all day. 

After a couple of episodes of Fixer Upper, I decide I should be safe to try and open the door again. I find a paperclip in the junk drawer and head upstairs. I unfold the clip and mess with the lock again, and this time it works. 

I open the door and am met with a pitch-black room. I search for a light switch, and when I turn it on, I can not believe my eyes. There are piles of photos on the floor three feet high, and pictures are plastered all over the walls. The scary part?

They are all photos of me. 

I break down and start uncontrollably crying. My legs collapsed, and I sank against the wall. 

I pick myself up and look through a dresser on the other side of the room. There were random pieces of my clothing, notes I had left at the restaurant, and random memorabilia I had collected like concert tickets and amusement park bracelets. 

What was most disturbing to me were photos and objects from before I even knew Chase. All of the images have been taken without my knowledge like I have been being watched. 

I start to tear photos of the wall when I hear the door slam behind me.

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