Chapter 12

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Marriage. Something is legally binding us together. I never planned on getting married so young, let alone to my kidnapper.

"When is the wedding planned to take place?" I ask.

"Tomorrow evening."


"Yes, and there is plenty to do. We need to get your dress fitted. Let's go back inside. The designer is here."

After tomorrow evening, any chance of freedom drastically decrease. There is no way I am going to escape before then.

We walk upstairs and meet the designer in an empty bedroom where a dress rack is displayed. She shoos Chase away and shut the door. As soon as she turns around, I start begging her to help me escape.

"I'm not here to help you escape; in fact, I have been forbidden to do so. I know that the situation is not ideal, but let's pick out a great dress so you will at least look fabulous."

We try on dresses for hours. The one I finally chose featured lace sleeves and a tight torso that then expanded into a large fluffy tulle skirt. The veil was simple and ended at my lower back, and the shoes were a pair of white strappy heels. The whole outfit created a very elegant look.

I started getting very emotional looking in the mirror; I did look quite lovely. I just always imagined doing this activity with my mom being there.

I change out of the dress, and the designer hangs it up to stay nice before tomorrow. I thank her and head back downstairs. I head into the kitchen and see Chase making dinner.

"Hey baby, I'm just finishing dinner. Why don't you take a seat?"He says.

I sit at the table and put my head down. Trying on that many dresses wore me out. Chase sets a plate in front of me, but I don't move.

"Eat up; you need your energy for tomorrow."

I sit up and pick at the food on my plate.

"Alexa enough with the attitude already. Trust me when I tell you that I am doing what is best for you."

"I'm not sure how kidnapping me and forcing me to marry you is what is best for me," I mumble.

He slams his fist on the table.

"We are getting married tomorrow, and that is final! You will be a loving wife to me as I will be a loving husband to you."

"You can't make me marry you; I can refuse."

"Tomorrow, you will be on your best behavior. You will say your vows genuinely and say, 'I do.' Then you will act happy and mingle with the guests. We will appear as the perfect couple, and I promise that one day we will be. But I promise that if you don't do as I say, you will regret it."

He got up and left the table, heading who knows where. I finished eating and went back up to the bedroom. I took a shower and just crawled into bed. I think I need a genuine night of sleep without being drugged.


I woke up to the sun rising and Chase holding me to his chest. I try to move his arm without waking him, but his eyes open.

"Good morning, future wife," he says before kissing me on the cheek. "We've got a big day ahead of us."

Chase rolls out of bed and walks to the bathroom. I walk into the closet to get dressed. I guess it doesn't really matter what I wear before I get ready for the wedding, so I choose a denim skirt and a plain black long sleeve shirt.

It sounds like Chase just got in the shower, so I go downstairs to make myself breakfast. I make myself some scrambled eggs and toast and take some fruit salad from the fridge. I go to eat outside by the pool, but tents and decorations are already being set up, so I head back to the kitchen.

Chase is standing there looking in the fridge. I sit on a stool farthest away from him and start eating. He makes a protein shake before sitting next to me.

"Remember what we discussed last night? I need your best behavior, I have important people coming, and they need to see us as a perfect couple or else."

"Or else what?" I snap back.

"Or else you'll regret it. That is not a threat but a promise."

The doorbell rings, and he leaves to answer it. In walks in a group of around five people.

"Darling, your styling team is here." He walks over and hugs me. "I'll see you later."

And with that, I am dragged away to get ready.

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