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After a long day at work, Luna only wanted to go home and relax maybe even watch the Originals.

As she goes home it begins to rain. She takes out her umbrella, but then she hears something, so she turns around, as she turns around she is getting pulled in an alley, she is in shock and doesn't even notice at first the pain as the man stabbed her with a knife.
But soon she started to choke, because of the pain. She started to fall but the man catches her before she lands on the hard asphalt. As she looks up she sees the man, it's her f*ckinig ex.

She and her ex Linus, had been in a relationship for years, before Luna broke up with him, because he started to get jealous and kinda obsessed with her.
After the break up,Linus started to stalk her and 'accidentally' be at the same store as her, sometimes even on the same street. As she had a good date with someone else, his name was Justin, she wanted to see him again so she called him, but as he didn't pick up his phone she was wondering if he didn't liked her. As she tried to call him days after, he still didn't answer his phone, so she decided to go too his apartment, there she had the shock of her life. There he stood with bruises on his face. As she asked him what happened he only answered her harshly that it was her ex and that he doesn't want to see her anymore. After that he harshly shut the door close.

She was so shocked, was Linus really that obsessed with her that he would punch other people because of her?

And here she is, lying in the arms of her ex and bleeding to death.

As she she looks in his eyes, he started to talk:
,,If I can't have you, than nobody can. I'm sorry Luna but if you would have stayed with me, that never would have happened." At that she only answered:,, Go too hell assh*le." After she said that, he stood up and left without saying anything.

After he left she looked up to the sky, She could already feel how her life is slipping away from her. She wondered what will happen to her family, her parents, if they found out that she is dead? Will they be sad?

But one question repeated in her head 'What will happen to me when I die? Will there be a after life?'

She slowly loses her consciousness. And then it's getting too much for her, so she slowly welcomes the darkness and closes her eyes.


Luna P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes, hold on. I'm dead, why the hell can I open my eyes! As I open my eyes I see that I'm in a room of a kid. But why does that room looks so familiar too me? I slowly sit up and see paintings on the ground, which looked oddly familiar. As I look up I see a mirror but what I see in the mirror shocks me the most. Why the hell do I look like Hope Mikaelson from season 4 of the Originals?

~30 minutes later~

Okay, It's official I'm in Hope Mikaelsons body and I have no idea how that happened.

But one thing is clear, I can't say that I'm not Hope, because I would be as good as dead, if the Mikaelsons find out that I kinda possessed her body.

Out of the blue I start to see images, Hopes memories.

~time skip~

After I got Hope's memories, I finally know that it's only the beginning of season 4.
That means I have a lot of planning to do.

Hayley, or should I say mom, left yesterday, I presume to find Keelin to wake the Mikaelsons.

I'm so lost in my thoughts, that I don't hear that someone is coming towards my room, until the person on the other side of the door knocks on my door.

,,Yes, come in!", I answered. As the door opens, I see it's Mary.
,,It's sleeping time sweetie.",Mary said.
,,Oh okay, good night grandma Mary.",I answered.
,,Good night Hope", she smiled at me and shuts the lights off and closes the door behind her.

But why was Hope already sleeping when I woke up here?

Doesn't matter right now, maybe she was just tired.

Hopefully I can sleep, dying is more exhausting than I thought.

Authors Note: Sorry for the short chapter, but I will try to write the next chapter a little bit longer

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Authors Note: Sorry for the short chapter, but I will try to write the next chapter a little bit longer.

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