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Hope's Pov

All I see is a beautiful flower field. Why the hell am I in a flower field?

All I remember is how I fainted, after I put my plan in motion and may I say it worked great, but the actually fainting wasn't part of the plan.

I look around me and there I see a silhouette of a woman and she is starting to walk up to me.

I start to panic and look around me to find something to defend myself with.

When I don't find anything I look back at the woman and see that she is slightly glowing blue.

Please don't be the Hollow!
Please don't be the Hollow!
Please don't be the Hollow!

It is the Hollow.

,,Hello, Hope." She said.
,,Inadu." I replie.
She looks at me for a moment, shocked that I knew her name and than starts to speak to me again.
,,Oh, so you know my name. You know not many people do, I'm more known as the Hollow." ,she said.
Before I replie, I think about what she wants from me and why she would tell me that and what should I answer.
,,Yes, I know you are the one who tried to get in my head, aren't you?"

Again she seemed shocked, that I found out that she tried to get into my head.

,,I apologies, but I must admit I was surprised when I couldn't enter your mind, you are the first witch or any mortal that could block me.", she admitted.
,,Well, bad for you I guess.",I replied snappy.

,,You know maybe I couldn't enter your head, but I could feel that your magic was weakend by something. I don't know how to describe this, but it feels like some part of you died and then a new part came back.",she said 
couriosly, trying to find out what happend to me.

Now as she said that I feeled a litte anxious, what if she knows? But that answeres why I was so tired after practicing with my magic, altough I'm the oh so powerfull tribrid.

,,You seem to think really hard about something little girl.", Inadu said after a while.

,,What do you want from me."

,,I must admit at first I wanted to posses you, but after some thinking I came to another conclusion."

,,And what is it."

,,I want that our magic merg together, so when I go to rest, my magic doesn't go to the ancestors and is with someone who uses them right and can handle them."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Originally the Hollow just possessed Hope and didn't made a deal with her.

,,Why would you choose me?", I asked couriosly.

,,Because you are the only one who is worth my magic and can hold it without destroying the world."

,,What will you do if I say no?"

,,Let's not think about it, just answer me."

What should I do?
If I say yes, my plan will not work or just get more complicated.

If I say no, the ancestors would take her magic.

,,My anwer is yes, but only under one condition. I need you to order your little 'fan club' to kidnapp some children, but the children should be not harmed only put to sleep and be cold to others touch, they also need take things that belong to the children and something from me and put it next to the children and then leave them."

,,Consider it done, but why to you need them to do something like that?"

,,That is for me to know and for you to find out. And by the way my name is Hope, Hope Mikaelson "

,,Okay than chant after me and Hope, thank you for doing this and giving me the chance too finally rest and that I don't need to worry what happens to my magic."

,,You are welcome."

"Okay let's beginn and like I alredy said repeat after me: Inadu et spes magicae Mikaelson misceri debent unum et harmon confortentur simul et unum sint et pacem inter se habeant." She started to chent after she grabbed my hands.

Inadu et spes magicae Mikaelson misceri debent unum et harmon confortentur simul et unum sint et pacem inter se habeant

Inadu et spes magicae Mikaelson misceri debent unum et harmon confortentur simul et unum sint et pacem inter se habeant

Inadu et spes magicae Mikaelson misceri debent unum et harmon confortentur simul et unum sint et pacem inter se habeant

I feeled like her magic was pouring into me and as I look at our linked hands I see like a gold glow is coming from her into me and I can also feel her magic.

After we finished the speel I could see how she slowly started to disappear, but I could hear her whisper 'thank you Hope Mikaelson '

After she disappeared I feeled that I started to wake up and exactly that I did with a dramatic gasp. I mean I'm now a Mikaelson, dramatic is like my last name now.

Authors Note: I hope you liked to chapter please comment an vote🙏And I'm really sorry that you had to wait that long for on update

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Authors Note: I hope you liked to chapter please comment an vote🙏
And I'm really sorry that you had to wait that long for on update.

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