Chapter 42

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"My poor child! Oh, Allah, what has happened to you? You look so weak and miserable," Zain's grandmother wailed.

I sighed in frustration. She'd been doing this for the past half hour, screaming and sobbing over her good-for-nothing grandson, who, by the way, wasn't even dying. He'd gotten a couple of stitches above his eyebrow and his only concern was that his looks were ruined.

"I'll make sure she rots in hell, that bloody sister-in-law of yours," he growled, looking at me.

"Shut up Zain before I shove my fist into your mouth," I snapped back.

"Then where is she? Where is she, huh? Tell her to come out and face me! Face the charges and the law!" He yelled again.

"Oh my poor baby! Don't take so much stress you'll become weak," his annoying grandmother drawled on again.

I clenched my fists inside my jeans pockets. My patience was running on a really thin line right then and it was taking all my might to not bash his head in. His overly dramatic grandmother was annoying the hell out of me and his sister had not stopped staring at me from across the room since the moment I got there.

"Look, Zain. These are just minor injuries. Press charges if you want, that's fine," I spoke up, silencing his wailing grandmother. "But you won't ever be able to lay a finger on Fatima. And as for Humeyra, I'll give you two days to send in a signed divorce notice. If not, you'll get one from us right inside your mailbox on Thursday night. And I'll also be retracting my investment from the new land your company bought. And I'll also be finishing any affiliated acts as well as any future endeavours that we've spoken of or entered into a contract with. I'll pay full compensation too."

His and his grandmother's eyes widened as they stared at me.

"But sonny," she addressed me directly for the first time since she got here. "Let's not make a hasty decision. The elders must speak first."

I turned to look at her, unable to believe how she quickly went from a wailing cat to a sly looking fox in almost a full nano second. "I'm the elder and the person responsible for Humeyra. Speak to me."

She quickly pulled away from Zain and hurried closer to me, "My grandson is a little crazy, please don't mind him-"

"Nano(grandmother)!" Zain cried.

"Shut up you idiot," she hissed.

I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. These two would never make good actors.

"Beta(son), you must understand that minor misunderstandings keep happening between couples. I'll talk to him, make him understand," she had a pleading edge to her voice.

I gaped at her, "What minor misunderstanding! He literally tried to kill my wife!"

Her eyes widened in shock before she recovered way too quickly again. "I'll beat him. I'll make him understand, trust me-"

"I refuse to listen to anything you people have to say. Tell your pathetic grandson to send in the divorce notice first thing tomorrow and stay away from my sister and her child."

I fished my wallet out and tossed a couple of five thousand rupee notes on the table top. "Here. Your hospital fee."

I slid the door open and walked out, slamming it shut behind me. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself down before taking my phone out and dialling Ayan.

It kept ringing and eventually went unreceived. Before I could dial again though, the door opened and closed behind me. I turned around to see Arooj step out of the room. I was about to leave but she called out to me in a tiny voice.

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