Chapter 4

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I stepped back after checking out the tray that I set infront of me. I was so proud of myself. Her sons had arrived a few minutes ago but I didnt meet any of them.

Her elder son is Farhan while the younger is Ayan. But both are older than me. Ma'am Shaila warned me of Farhan's nature. She said that being the CEO of his father's business, he had become the serious type.

But if you translate it in my words, he is a grumpy man.

Ayan though, is supposed to be of good and chirpy nature.

I prepared their tray and decided to serve it in the lounge. Both of them had a key to the apartment and dashed to their mother's room and hence, I was rewarded by the sight of their masculine backs.

I pulled the pan of tea off of the stove and began pouring it in the cup. I'm a klutz at most, though.

So being the kltuz that I am, I dropped hot boiling tea on my fingers.

I jerked back and placed the pan on the counter. My hand stung real bad. I pushed it under cold water, but it wasn't working. I needed a remedy. I kept shaking my hand to ease the pain but that didn't work either.

"Hey, mother's asking for a glass of water." A voice said behind me.

I turned around and met the eyes of a startled young man. He had amazing brown eyes and even better black hair. He was breathtakingly handsome. Amazing how I scanned him in first glance when my hand over here was literally almost dead.

His eyes ran fast over to my shaking hand. "Hey! You burned your hand. Come with me and I will get you something to apply on to it." He said and then turned around.

His voice was even better than his looks! If my hand wasn't burning and I wasn't dieing from pain, maybe I would've given a dreamy sigh.

I followed as he led me towards the console in the lounge. The door to ma'am Shaila's room was shut tight.

He took out the tube and sat down on the couch. I looked at him weirdly. He patted the space next to him for me to sit down.

"Sit. I will apply this on you." He give me a dimply smile.

I gave a small smile as I sat uncomfortably and at a distance from him. He noticed it, though.

"Here I will let you apply ok?" He smiled and handed me the tube.

I just nodded. There seemed to be a lock on my voice box.

I opened the tube with my left hand and attempted to apply it on the burn, but klutz skills again. I couldn't.

"Let me do it. I don't think you can." He was trying hard not to laugh. I wanted to smack him on the shoulder.

He remained seated where he was and gently applied the medicine to my hand.

And imagine this, in the course of next 25 minutes, both of us were laughing and chatting like old buddies. He introduced himself as Ayan, the younger son.

Turned out, he was really great at spinning up a conversation. I chatted up to him because it had been 3 days since any words other than,"Yes ma'am" or "Okay ma'am" had left my mouth.

Asmara was in Scotland, enjoying her honeymoon. I contemplated not bothering her. Let her and her husband enjoy themselves.

Ayan gave me space in the beginning, though. He would ask me if I was uncomfortable talking to him or sitting across from where he was seated. I didn't mind talking, as long as I was at a good distance from him.

He was telling me about his work in his father's company when ma'am Shaila's room door opened and shut with a loud bang. I flinched at the sound and so did Ayan.

"What the hell is going on here? I thought you were supposed to fetch water for mother." A male, deep voice growled.

That voice must belong to Farhan. To say the younger brother was handsome, the elder even crossed that streak.

He had dark brown eyes and black hair, which were matted to his forhead. His muscles were bursting from the fitting white shirt he was wearing. I realized soon though, that I was ogling at him and looked away. He seemed really furious.

I stood up fast and so did Ayan. "Oh sorry. I forgot. Ayesha and I were just exchanging pleasentries." He winked at me then skipped to the kitchen.

For the first time since his not-so-pleasent appearance, Farhan spared me a glance.

He looked at me as if he was reading into my soul. I felt uncomfortable, so I lowered my eyes.

"Has mom kept you here so you can chat up to your boss?" He asked me heatedly.

I didn't say anything. I wanted to but I didn't. He was my boss. If I opened my mouth then I might lose this job. So I clapped it shut and dashed into the kitchen.

I felt angry. I wanted to smash all the china. Who does he think he is? He pays me alright but that doesn't mean he controls me.

I wiped off the fallen tea and re-heated the eatables. I carried the tray outside and set it on the table. Farhan was busy on his phone while Ayan smiled at me. One day, I swear, his jaw is going to break. He smiles alot.

I turned to go back but stopped hearing Ayan's voice.

"Where are you going? Won't you eat? It's almost lunch time."

I was stunned to silence. Farhan must've too, because his head snapped up. I was at a loss of words.

"Sit. Lets dig in." Ayan gestured towards the armchair across from the table.

"What? You can't be serious Ayan. She is a maid, she can't sit with us." Farhan said harshly.

I felt my blood boil. His words stung, badly. Even I knew that they pay me. But it didn't mean that I wasn't a human, that I couldn't sit with them and eat also. Besides, I made them snacks, which wasn't even part of my job description. I was supposed to nurse their mother, not make them snacks.

I marched towards the table, yanked up a plate and loaded it with the chicken wings and sandwiches. Then I plopped on top of the armchair. He glared at me.

"Since it wasnt my job to make all this," I gestured towards the snacks,"I get to sit here and eat." I stuffed my face with my own food.

Farhan looked at me disgustingly, before getting up and storming off. Ayan looked at me in shock. He then bursted out laughing.
I cracked a smile.

"Woah. You have some guts. No one and I mean literally no one has ever talked to him like that." He said, after he recovered from his laughing fit.

"Well there is a first time for everything." I smirked.


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