Chapter 44

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The entire ride back, Ayan couldn't help but marvel, and pretty much freak out, at the fact that both him and his brother were about to become fathers.

"I was going to ask Bhai to help me with my baby but now that he has his own baby coming how will he look after my baby? What if- what if I accidentally take your baby to my room and leave mine in the-"

"Ayan!" I cut him off, groaning. "Are you even serious?"

"I am!" He exclaimed, swerving to avoid an incoming biker. "I mean, just imagine Ayesha, two crying babies in the house, together!"

"You know, I thought this was too much for me and Fatima but I guess you men have your worries too," I looked out the car window.

"I'm acting like a girl aren't I?" He said sheepishly.

"A high school senior," I told him.

He glared at me before turning back to the road, "Anyway, I really am happy for you and bhai."

"And we are for you," I smiled.


I walked in through the doors and found Farhan sitting at the dining table. He had on a white fitted t-shirt and jeans. He was shuffling through his phone when he heard us walk in and placed it on the table and got up.

"Finally! You called me like an hour ago telling me you're on way," he exclaimed, walking over to us. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I gave him a smile. "By the way, your wife's in the kitchen."

Ayan's eyes bulged, "What?!"

"She wouldn't listen to me and is currently making dinner," Farhan looked like he was having a hard time controlling his laughter watching his brother's reaction.

Ayan quickly scurried and disappeared through the kitchen doorway yelling Fatima's name.

I smiled up at my husband, "Did you rest well?"

He nodded, "What about you? Is everything okay?"

My smile disappeared, "Um, I don't know how to tell you."

Seeing my face, his eyes flickered and he pulled away, "What? Are you okay?"

"Come with me to the room. I'll tell you everything," I said seriously, grabbing his wrist and walking towards the stairs.

Once we walked inside, Farhan closed the door behind us. "Ayesha what's wrong? Tell me already, I'm freaking out really bad."

I inhaled. It was so hard, keeping a straight face, "Here."

I handed him the files I'd brought back from the hospital, "The doctor says I'm serious."

"Seriously what? What happened?" He frantically asked, flipping through the pages. Finally, he stopped at the one with my pregnancy confirmation.

"Seriously pregnant!" I exclaimed with a laugh.

He didn't react. He was frozen in place and looking at me.

"That sounded funny in my head," I mumbled awkwardly as he failed to laugh along or even display any emotions of excitement. "Farhan? You're making me nervous now. Are you not happy?" My heartbeat had begun to rise.

He snapped his head towards me and gave me his widest smile, "This is so great!"

He put the files down on the bed and bounded towards me, enveloping me in a hug.

"You scared me," I breathed.

"What? You can joke but I can't?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"You can too but it'll probably make my heart fail or make me cry for days," I said in a low voice, finding it a little difficult to stabilise my breathing.

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