Chapter 3 : The Shield

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Lev had rarely felt so cramped in his armor. Fortunately for him, the dissociation of his mind with the pain made his erection very uncomfortable in combat.

As he reached the outside of the walls, he sighed at the job ahead of him.

In the wastelands, there was never really daylight. Only a thick purplish haze, which cleared up in places without ever letting the light through completely. So, in the middle of the night, the situation was worse.

Fortunately, the Mage was on the scene, casting light for miles around. At his side were Rainier, the colossal Duke of Hastam, and Cara, the Southern Hammer.

-Hello, my quail! said the latter.

Tall, slim and athletic, the Duchess of Malleus was radiant. Rainier gave her a mischievous smile.

-Shut up, he warned from the start.

-Ooh, he's in a bad mood, the little cabbage! giggled Cara.

How could he not be, damn it!? He was on the battlefield on his wedding night!

On the other hand, he understood why. Out of the mist, he could see a whole legion emerging. Two-meter-tall demons, covered in scales. Disordered, but with a strength that was uncommon for humans. These were creatures living in the wastelands, where the barren soil was devoid of life and magic.

-We'll talk about it later, said Rainier. In training.

The elite soldiers from each Duchy stayed behind. It was always like that. The Protectors in the front line, the normal humans in the back to finish off the opponents.

-I'm counting on you guys! Lev called out to his men, bringing up his Shield of Nothingness.

Heavy, silver too, it was produced by magic. The intrinsic magic of Lev Clypeus, the one that earned him his title of Shield. It was the same for the other two. Rainier conjured up a spear of a weight and heft impossible for anyone else to wield. As for Cara... The Hammer brought forth her weapon of choice. A five-foot-long shaft, and a full head so heavy that even Lev couldn't lift it.

The first attack was sharp. A flying demon burst out of the mist, charging at Cara. The creature struck Lev's interposed shield with such force that it snapped its neck.

-Well seen! said the Duchess, springing up from behind him.

His hammer smashed the skull of one of the charging demons. They all came at the same time. A big mistake on their part. Rainier's gigantic spear pierced their defenses, with such force and speed that the weapon went through them one by one, sweeping away a whole line of demons.

This made them slow down a bit.

-Shield! shouted Cara.

Immediately, Lev dropped to one knee, his shield over his head. Cara jumped on it... And he threw it into the air, so hard that it flew towards the enemies. That was the point. Spinning around, Cara fell among the opponents, smashing her hammer into the ground. The shockwave swept them away like chaff. Good.

Lev then saw a flaw. Demons had passed them, and they were heading straight for their soldiers, who had stayed behind.

-Lance! he roared.

Rainier immediately turned to him, a new weapon in his hands. He threw it in his direction. Raising his shield, Lev took the impact, while throwing his arm to the side. This caused the spear to ricochet, skewering some of the demons that got past them.

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