Chapter 21 : The Fury of the Shield

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There was no letter. Upset, Lev looked at the day's mail. Why was there no green letter? He knew it took several days to receive something from the Gladia estate. But he wanted his letter!

What could his wife have written!?

He was about to rob the Gladia letter carrier to get his hands on it, when Vera came running. Vera?


His tone is enough.

He did not need to see her expression, nor to hear her words.

Turning on his heels, he ran out of the white fortress, the Sword at his heels. Clapping his hands, he did not slow down, even when his armor clamped down on him, even when his helmet appeared in his hand.

-Eleazar! he roared as he touched her necklace. Locate Flavia! Right now!

The Mage didn't take the time to answer him right away. Bellowing orders to the first guard he came across, Lev told him to get everyone on the warpath. As for him, he ran straight into the portal, which opened before him.

-The capital! exclaimed El, just before he passed the blue disk. It's on the move!

If there was one thing that the inhabitants of the capital of Gentem had never seen, it was Protectors in full armor. Then a Protector in armor fell in the middle of the main cobblestone avenue, causing everyone around to scream.

But Lev didn't care.

For what he wanted at that moment was his wife.

Bringing up his shield, in full view of everyone, he struck the ground with all his might. The horses around him whinnied as they braked suddenly. Carriages tipped over on their sides, donkeys reared up in front of their carts. This road was crowded at this hour. He had to stop the movements, to stop Flavia, wherever she was.

On the periphery of his field of vision, he saw Vera, in her midnight blue armor, leaping onto the side of one of the carriages, its wheels spinning in the void. If El, given her detection ability, said she was moving, then she must have been fast. So, in one of those vehicles. Knowing him, he had transported them close by.

- I don't know who you are! he roared, so loudly that everyone in the vicinity heard him. But I advise you to give me back my wife, if you want to live!

Vera was already tearing off the doors to see the terrified passengers inside the carriages.

Standing on one of them, Lev looked around, attentive. The screams. The astonishment. Then the murmurs of incomprehension. The "his wife?" They didn't understand why two Protectors were in town, ready to fight.

-On your left!

Lev turned his head. Behind a wall of onlookers, he saw a small square. There! Someone was going against the flow of the curious crowd!

Without hesitation, he charged straight ahead. When the citizens thought he was going to run into them, he jumped into the air, higher than a normal man could. Passing over their unconscious barrier, he landed behind them. His violet eyes piercing through his silver helmet, he ran back up. Flavia! He had to get to Flavia at all costs!


He could see a man, tall, holding a package over his shoulder. A package big enough to fit the body of a human being. He had to stop him! With a roar of rage, Lev climbed the fountain in the marketplace in an instant... And jumped again. He threw his Shield, so fast and so hard that it slammed into the cobblestones in front of the kidnapper. The kidnapper turned to him, his eyes wide.

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