Chapter 6 : Returning Home

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Standing on the steps in the entrance of the castle, Lev was looking at all his people. They had all gathered in the entrance hall at his request. Indeed, this room alone could hold half an army. In fact, almost all the soldiers under his command were there, along with the servants. The monumental staircase was imposing when one entered here, but it did not matter to him.

Hand in hand with Flavia, he spoke.

-Okay, is everyone there? Yes, that's right. Things are a bit backwards, but I'd like to introduce Flavia, my wife.

-Hello! exclaimed everyone at the foot of the stairs, making the room vibrate.

-Hello, she answered humbly with a smile.

She was wearing her veil, which he did not appreciate. Nevertheless, this was not the time to talk about it.

-She is now your Duchess, Lev added. I expect you to respect, protect and obey her. Is that clear?

-Yes boss!

Lev nodded, before turning to his wife. Ah, this veil...

-You can ask anyone you want, in my absence. Your voice is my voice, your authority is mine. Do you agree?

-Mmh... Yes. I'll try not to abuse it.

He smiled arrogantly at her, which made her raise an eyebrow under her veil.

- You are a Clypeus now, Flavia. You can do whatever you want.

She didn't know exactly what he meant by that. Nevertheless, her character did not allow her to apprehend the enormity of these words. Lev, on the other hand, knew it, and he had always made it known.

-Good, he said. Now back to normal life!


Her husband did not have time to take a few days off after his wedding, so he had to quickly lock himself in his office with his secretary, determined to make him catch up.

Flavia felt sorry for him. He really didn't seem to want to work.

Perhaps she should offer to help him? After all, she was used to dealing with paperwork and that sort of thing. But then... Maybe imposing herself so soon after the wedding wasn't a good idea.

She also wanted to get to know the place a little better, and especially the servants. People in the North were said to be rough, with a warm side once they had accepted you. Lev had, but... what about the household? The best way to find out was through the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, she was on the first floor, but she could not find the kitchen. Puzzled, she looked around. All the walls were white here, with a blue ceiling. There was no distinct landmark.

Turning on herself, she tried to establish a map of the place in her mind. This is how she found Gaston.

-Madam Duchess? Can I help you?

-I am lost. Could you tell me how to get to the kitchen?

The old butler smiled kindly at her.

-I was just on my way there. Come along, madam.

It turned out that she was just two hallways and one door away from her goal. There, the kitchen had a completely different feel. Warm, colorful, it had four fires, a table and a multitude of counters to prepare everything. Here, we didn't just prepare the Duke's meals. The whole house was being catered for, and the head chef was full of life.

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