Chapter 11 : Family Conflict

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The fist met the cheek of Autem de Hastam, son of the Lance. Falling back, the ten-year-old blond boy gritted his teeth, his blue eyes flashing. His opponent was three years older than him. Taller, the son of the Marquis of Guan was a brute who enjoyed hitting hard.

Even though they were at a simple training session, attended by King Oktar himself, Gustave looked determined to beat him up. Imposing for Autem, with a tooth missing and a bad look, he seemed to enjoy hitting.

Or rather, punching a Protector's son.

Nevertheless, the elder Rainier was used to this stance. Putting himself back in a combative posture, he ignored the pain that was spreading in his jaw, to address a cheeky smile to his opponent.

-You hit like a girl.

Gustave's cheeks turned red with anger. Rushing at him, he struck blindly, without any technique. Slipping under his guard, Autem grabbed him by the front of his shirt while giving a blow to the back of his knee. Drawn by his own weight, Gustave fell to the ground with a thud, while the son of the Lance put an arm around his neck.

- Victory for Autem de Hastam! said the instructor who was watching them.

Straightening up, out of breath, the blond boy looked around. In the huge room that served as a training room, dozens of children were fighting, under the gaze of King Oktar. King Oktar was standing on a platform, watching everything. When he met his gaze, the king gave him a discreet thumbs-up sign.

Autem answered with a big smile.

Grandpa Oktar, although he was not related to him by blood, was always kind. He always supported the children of the Protectors in the face of adversity. For being born the child of a Duke or a Duchess did not make them totally safe.

It was not for nothing that Autem was able to defeat a child bigger and more experienced than him. Besides... He looked around for his lifelong friend. The son of the Hammer, with his dark skin and thick black hair, was unmistakable. But his deep red eyes made him absolutely unmistakable.

Or was it the fact that he was already sitting with boredom next to his opponent, a fourteen-year-old boy who held a bloody compress against his open eyebrow? Definitely, Tamir was having a hard time controlling his strength.

Noticing that he had finished his fight, the latter came running towards him, with a big smile.

-So, what? Did Papi Oktar give you a sign, too?

-Yeah! But tell me, is it just me or are the big guys trying to hit us harder and harder?

- Yes, I think so, Tamir agreed, looking at Gustav, who grumbled as he got to his feet. But mine was of an exemplary weakness.

- It is especially you who have a strength out of standard, noticed Autem while moving towards the buffet, put at the disposal for the combatants having completed their turn.

The small brown shrugged his shoulders, with a small disillusioned smile. He wouldn't say otherwise, that would clearly be false modesty. For Tamir was already recognized as the future Duke of Malleus. And so he had awakened his Hammer powers.

At ten years old, this already made him a powerful fighter, even against adults.

But he had to train, to be able to face demons. These were nothing like ordinary humans.

-You don't have to participate in these tournaments anymore, by the way, Autem remarked, pouring them a glass of water. You're out of your league.

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