Chapter 16 : The Letter from Clypeus

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-Oh, my sister is not here?

The Duchess of Gladia's butler shook his head apologetically.

She would have liked to see Vera, to tell her about what had happened the day before. But it had been impossible to get in touch with her since. Why had the mention of the troubled trail put her in such a state? She had always had exemplary control of her temper. What could have caused her to leave this meeting so hastily, without a word? Why did Lev know about it? No, in truth, all the Protectors and the King knew. Then the situation must have been serious.

-Since you left, the butler lamented with a sorry look, it's been a mess with the duchy papers. Your sister is incapable of doing this kind of thing alone.

This must have been a common trait between her and Lev. He wasn't very good with administration either. Flavia winced, annoyed.

- Should I take a look at the current cases?

Hope shone in the butler's eyes.

-Do you have the time?

-Or... Yes...

Given the state of the office in two weeks of absence, she thought she would have to hire a personal secretary for her sister. Otherwise, the duchy would burn down in less than a month. Nevertheless, there was something unexpected among the pile of letters to be processed. She saw a purple envelope.

One of those she looked forward to every week. Her heart racing, she grabbed this one, alone in the safety of the office where she had worked for years.

A letter from Lev.

Addressed to Vera, as always.

Divided between a pain in her chest and the joy of still having letters, she blew the seal of the Clypeus. Her husband's smooth, applied handwriting jumped out at her. She couldn't help but smile at the content. Before freezing.

Madam Duchess,

Thank you for your concern about my neck. Nevertheless, I have had the benefit of some extensive care due to a bad fight, so everything has been forced back into place.

Tell me, you mentioned giving me orange roses... Do you know the language of flowers? Roses all have a meaning depending on their color. The pink roses speak of tenderness, the red ones of love, the white ones of innocence, and the orange ones of desire... But I can only accept such a thing from my wife.

By the way, did you know that I got married? Ah, well, I guess it's your sister... Unless the person I'm writing to decides to sign her real name.

If that is the case, I will accept all the armfuls of orange roses you offer me, my Duchess. But I would offer you red ones in return. For if desire is powerful, only the passion of love can explain why I want you so much.

It seems to me that your previous letter was sent before you even knew we were getting married. If you knew the language of flowers, my Duchess, then I must admit that you are a little rascal to send me a message like that. But since I was only in the fantasy category, I guess you didn't think I knew anything about roses.

I look forward to your response, my Duchess.

Your Duke, tender and passionate

Lev Clypeus.

PS: By the way, Flavia, I know it's you behind these letters since the first one, five years ago. Vera would never have answered me so nicely.

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