Chapter 13 : Meeting with a Dragon

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As she passed through the gate, many things had crossed Flavia's mind. But the biggest one consisted of one word. "Shit". The moment the blue disc of magic had been about to disappear into the north, she had felt an impact on her back.

He had clearly been pushed through the portal.


Throwing himself on his knees before her, Lev had raised the visor of his helmet. Worry, anger and disbelief were fighting on his face. Getting back on her feet, she reassured him with a smile.

-Don't mind me.

-How the fuck can you say something like that to me?

Flavia pointed to the front line, just ahead of them. She could see the creeping demons, which were swarming like a foul mass as they made their way towards Gentem's wall. But also the larger, draconic type that were flying over them.

Lev gritted his teeth, torn between her and his duty. The atmosphere was electric, the soldiers around them did not know what to do. Those in the West must have been wondering what to do, while the others didn't know her. In fact... Flavia put her hand on her husband's cheek, with a determination she hoped to communicate to him.

-Fight, my love. I will stay by Eleazar's side.

-You are my wife!

- So fight to protect me.

Jaws clenched, Lev finally nodded. She could feel her gauntlet clenching on her hand. But she couldn't give in, right now.

-Lev! What the hell, Flavia!?

Vera. Her sister's eyes widened when she saw her. Her long black hair tied in a braid, dressed in her dark blue armor, she was the very image of a beautiful warrior. A warrior who immediately frowned, a desire for murder in her eyes. She understood quickly.

- I'm going with Eleazar, Flavia said quickly. Lev... You better be good, you have a fan in the stands this time.

She was reassured to see a cheeky smile blossom on her husband's face.

-I'm going to blow your mind, my Duchess. Soldiers! Take your positions!

Taking it in his stride, he set off in the direction of Eleazar. Standing there, surrounded by a strong aura of light magic, the Protector almost fainted when he saw her. Even more so when Lev left her with him, telling him to take care of her. Then, folding back his visor with a wink to his wife, the Shield of Gentem went to the front, his soldiers on his heels.


Vera grabbed her sister's wrist, drawing her attention to herself. She looked serious.

-Do whatever it takes. Do you understand?


Alone with the Mage, Flavia saw her older sister and her husband go into battle. With a heavy heart, she watched this scene, which she had never thought she would see. The Protectors, in action. It was Cara who started the ball rolling. Thrown into the air by Lev's Shield, she struck the ground with her hammer, sending a shockwave that created a pocket of vacuum in the teeming ranks of the enemy. Where were they? South, east, west or north? Given the weather and the type of enemy, Flavia would have said south. That was the domain of Gentem's Hammer. Nevertheless, she had rarely heard of creeps associating with a draconic demon.

The Shield of GentemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon