2-Seeing Humans Again

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I look to the right to see what's coming...and it looks to be horses but they have something on them......wait is that-

y/n POV:
Wait is that...a HUMAN ON THE HORSE?!? "now i've seen everything, haha..." i whisper to myself.

I was about to go back to sleep but i heard them talking. "CAPTAIN, THERES A TITAN ON THE PATH! HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET AROUND IT?!?" a girl yells.



"WHAT IF IT TRYS TO GRAB US AS WE GET NEAR IT?!" another man yelled

"SHUT IT, AND LET ME THINK DAMMN IT!" i'm guessing that was the captain specking.

'I'm in the way...that means they will ether jump over me, go around me, or try to kill me' i thought to myself

I open my eyes and look back at the humans to see that they've about 100 feet away from me.

Right before i do something, everything seems to go in slow motion...

'damn it' i thought, and as they were 50 feet from me, i quickly lifted up my legs right as they were about to reach me.

As they were going under my legs, i watched as all of them go by. Memorizing their faces if i see them again.

As they passed me, they looked at me with surprised faces.

Probably wonder why i moved, let them go, and tried not to eat them.

But one of them sparked my interest, it was the young boy in the middle of the group.

He looked like a human but almost smelled like a titan.

It confused me. So i kept staring at them, never letting go of eye contact.

Once they had passed completely under my legs, time seemed to have gone back to normal.

I didn't go after them, i wouldn't have moved anyways.

After they left my eye sight, i closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

5 more minutes later i hear very loud foot steps, one's of a titan-a big one too.

I hear the titan slide to a stop to the right of me, flicking dirt all over me.

I don't move, i've been through worse, i open my eyes to see what kind of titan it is.

It was a female titan, i was kinda surprised by this. Most of the titans i've seen were males or didn't seem to have a gender.

She looks down at me "have you seen humans pass by here-" she gets stoped by a human trying to kill her.

Almost out of instinct, she puts her hand on her neck to cover her week spot, grabs the flying human and squishes it in her hand.

"Do continue before the rest come to get you" i say

"have you seen humans on horses riding past here at all?" she asks again

"why yes, they just pasted by here about 5 minutes ago. Going that way" i say pointing to the left side of me, smiling at her.

She nodes and runs in the direction i pointed to.

As i watch her run the same way the humans went, i wonder if that was a good idea to tell her they were that way...

'Eh, welp-can't change it now. She didn't even say thank you.' i think to myself

With her gone i listen for any thing else, but all i hear is humans flying past me.

I'm guessing they were trying to get her.

I then remembered my pet cow, i sit up immediately and look around me. I look towards my feet and there he was, sleeping next to my (f/f).

Right as i see him my nerves calm down and i pat him on the head.

I lay back down and wait.

It's been 10 minutes and nothing has happened since she left.

So i decided to go back to sleep, and i finally got to sleep peacefully.

Erens POV:
We've just got back from the mission and i still can't get that titan out of my mind.

If it was a normal titan then it would have tried to eat us as we got closer, but it helped us by moving out of the way. Maybe it was an abnormal titan...?

I snap back into the world by Hange replacing the bandages on my arms.

"ow ow ow" i yelp, "did that hurt?!" she asks with a sparkle in her eyes, making me gulp and nod my head yes.

"oooooo fascinating" she says with a smile.

'she creeps me out' i think to myself

"So what's on your mind Eren, your never this quite when you get back from fighting titans?" Hange asks.

"he's probably thinking of that titan we saw" captain Levi says.

"what titan? the female titan you faced?"

"no the other one that moved when they were in the way."


"yes now shut up 4-eyes! If you want to know more ask Eren, i have paper work to do" with that Captain Levi walked off

i slowly turn to Hange, to see her face inches from mine. i scream when i see her so close.

"that so coooooool, is it still alive? Where were you when you found it?
How big was it?" she said bombarding me with questions

it took a moment for me to think of answers, but when i did she just asked more questions.


"Okay! That's all i need to know, all we need to do is find the titan. WERE LEAVING TOMORROW MORNING!!" she yelled as she left the room to wherever.

I then relise she said tomorrow, oh god.

Chapter 2 done ✅


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