7-day 5&6 WITHOUT humans

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I have just woken up to a titan on my stomach. I slowly move my arm to flick the titan off of me a little disappointed that it wasn't humans that woke me up.

I surprisingly miss the humans...more than i thought i would.

With Hange's loud voice always talking. And Levi always mad at someone or something...

And i never got to say goodbye to Eren before he left.

For once it was quiet: only the birds chirping, the trees swaying in the wind, and other titans roaming around.

All the normal sounds that were made before the humans had come.

I didn't really know what day it was since i usually get woken up the next day by the humans.

Jeez...i really miss them

I look around, still tired from just waking up, to look for my cow... 'wait, i've just been calling my cow-my cow. I need to name him...'


I thought about what i could name him for so long but in the end i just settled with (p/n)(pet name, or just name him James)

I thought it was a good name, but i'm still surprised that i've had him for 7 years now and i've never named him.

Oh well now i have a name for him.


The rest of the day was just me watching things go by, sleeping, getting woken up by something, then going back to sleep.

At one point i got bored and grabbed a bunch of seeds, grass, nuts, and more.

Then i later down a rock and put the things i grabbed on top.

Nothing happened at first but a few minutes later a bunch of animal appeared, grabbing or stopping by to get some easy food.

It was peaceful to watch

Like that one time when i was sleeping next to a lake and watched the fish swim for hours.

It almost looked like a big get together with a bunch of titans snacking on humans.

I don't know why titans eat humans, to me they taste disgusting

And when you bite a human they're blood goes everywhere, and they don't even clean up their mess after their done


Well nether do i because i don't eat humans, i eat plants and those don't make a mess

Speaking of plants, am almost out of (f/f)

that means when i move i'm going to have to get done more food.


the next day was like this too

laying down, seeing things go by, and sleeping.

I'm glade i got to rest though, because moving around so much in the last week was terrible for my body.

I felt weak as hell and didn't want to move yesterday.

But at least tomorrow is the day i move, i hope the humans will come before i have to move or else they might never find me and i'll never see them again...

welp i really want to see them again


i've decided to go to the humans if they're not here tomorrow, i think they live in the east area and they said they lived in walls?

i guess i'll have to look for that...so that'll help...i think


wow i've been thinking for so long that it's night time, welp i need to sleep


after that, i feel asleep...

helloooo people
first off i want to say thank you for all this

________________________________helloooo peoplefirst off i want to say thank you for all this

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and i'm sorry i've been gone for so long, i've just been having no motivation to write this.

But i'm also sorry it short, i didn't really know what to write for this chapter.

But again thank youuuuuu ❤️❤️❤️
words: 619

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