8-Hange's POV

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(This is the day before you leave)

Hange's POV:
We've been away from (y/n) for few days now and i really want to i see them.

But with the titans attacking us and the female titan, then catching the female titan.

And with all those cadets that were eaten...

At least Erea wasn't there, if he was he could've gotten eat.

So i guess it was a good thing (y/n) grabbed him.


*sigh* "this is so much workkkk, and i want to see (y/n)!!" I yell to
no-one in particular

"shut up 4-eyes, just because i let you in my office doesn't mean you can do whatever you want." said Levi

"jeez, sorry"

"what are you two talking about?" asked commander Erwin as he walked in

"nothing really i'm just talking about how i want to see (y/n)-"

"And she won't shut up about it." Levi said cutting me off

I pout and look away

"now if you two are done fighting, I came to talk about seeing (y/n) again"

right as Erwin said their name i immediately turned to look at him

"We're really going to see them again?!? I really want to see them and talk to them about-"

I stop talking...

"what happened Hange? why'd you stop talking?"

"for once i'm also confused, you ok  4-eyes?"


"i just remember something..."

"what'd you remember Hange, was it about (y/n)?"

"yeah, they're going to be leaving their spot tomorrow!! Today was their last day there, no wonder they wanted to meet up with Eren in 4 days!! Erwin we NEED to leave tomorrow to see them leave to go to a new spot!!" I say yelling as i stand up from my seat

"Hange i would but we've lost a lot of scouts on the ride before, and even if we leave tomorrow we won't get there till about noon(12:00). So they might be gone before we get there..." Captain Erwin says looking down


"well...then we'll just have to make due with what we have left!"

I was going to see (y/n) before they leave their spot, no mater what i have to do.


It been a few hours now and we've made the teams

Most things were the same except for us missing a few people

But we kept a close formation because we know where we're going and we're not stopping

I just hope we can make it in time to see them


It was 7:34 am

we were almost ready to go but there was one problem

There were only 3/7 teams that were there

I knew people would be tired from all the traveling but THIS, THIS was un except able

I've planned soooo much for this, i was so excited that i only got 3 hours of sleep

not surprised though i've gone nights without sleeping


It is 8:26 am now and we're FINALLY leavening the walls

I wasn't nervous about us leaving a little late


We were on our 4th break from riding for 2 hours i decided to check the time


It was 10:58...

I started to get worried that we wouldn't make it but i still had hope

but while we were getting closer we ran into abnormal titans and it took awhile to kill them

As Levi killed the last one i checked the time to see what time it was...

It was now 11:34 am

I was now panicking, i didn't know if we were going to make it or not

So Captain Erwin decided that we should speed up to get there before noon

we were getting closer to the entrance of the forest but as we got closer i saw a titan

I didn't think it was a problem but then i noticed that it looked kinda like (y/n)

They walked out of the forest and right as they walked out i saw how tall they were

We all stopped to look at their height but before we could do anything they stopped walking and looked directly at us

scaring almost everyone but i was excited as ever

I was ready for the journey that was coming


lol i feel like this is bad
words: 724

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