11-Life By The Walls

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y/n POV:

Being closer the humans was kinda annoying at first but the longer i was there the more i got used to it

they were always loud during the day but once it was night everything went quiet

it was nice most of the time

but at least it gave me time to sleep without being woken up

the humans still come to see me

usually it's to test me or to talk to me about random stuff

but they seem to be very weary, probably because they're in a more open and more populated titan area

usually it's just Hange, Levi, Eren, Erwin, and a few others

And whenever i look up at the wall i always see humans watching the area around them

sometimes when i look at them they'll be watching me too

but almost right away they look away

no surprise there...


It's been a 3 weeks now and things have gone quiet

barely anyone comes to see me anymore

but whenever they do they just look at me, ask a few questions, then leave to go do something

I also don't see Levi or Eren anymore

At least Hange comes to see me a lot.........or at least she did before

usually she would come to visit me almost everyday for like 4 hours

But lately i've only been seeing her like 1 every 2 days for only an hour

To be honest...i'm starting to regret comping here again

before i thought they would see me everyday

talk to me or just ramble on and on about their human life...

but lately little to no one comes to see me

i miss people, but (p/n) doesn't seem to mind no having humans around us

don't get me wrong i love him but he doesn't do much and in my other areas there were things to do and look at

and i could sleep more

but here, when i try to sleep during the day i get woken up by humans doing whatever they do behind the walls

titans getting killed

or a titan laying/stepping on me

so i could never get much sleep in the day

but at night nothing happened, everything was quiet, no titans moved, and i could sleep

but after a few days of this i got bored

i had nothing to do for hours

So i decided that i would more far from the walls again on my next move


Done ✅
Heyyy im back
I had almost no idea what to write for this chapter

so it boring, also i'm on a plane to the Bahamas as i'm writing this

Words: 448

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