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Before you read the very last part of Bitten I want you all to know how grateful I am for every single one of you. I remember posting the prologue and first chapter by chance not even expecting this story to get more than 20 000 reads. Now I've hit more than 1 000 000 reads which is more than I could ever ask for, I am truly speechless.

So this is it. The last part of the story that made me very successful here on Wattpad. My love for writing has only grown together with the number of you guys. AND DON'T EVER THINK THAT I'LL STOP WRITING FOR YOU. I will continue with other stories and I hope you stick with me for the rest of them. I've got at least four new fics that I am dying for you to read. And this is the ACTUAL ending, y'all thought the alternate ending was the real one. No no honey!

And please read my very, very, very final note at the end.

(Picking up where chapter 59 ends)

Our heavy breaths were the only sound. Zayn's head rested in Serena's lap as the two of them slept peacefully. Saoirse was curled up in a ball on our bed, Niall sleeping on the other side. My back was against the wall, the door right next to me so that I could act in case an unwanted guest would decide to enter.

My heartbeat fastened as the door handle pressed down. The wooden door opened only to reveal a tired Louis. He'd been guarding the front door of the house for hours. He was probably the bravest person I knew next to Zayn. Zayn was brave when it came to stupid shit like jumping off buildings. Louis was braver in sense of sacrifice and through everything he was the most under appreciated person I'd ever met.

"I think we've dodged a bullet." He sighed, sitting down next to me, resting his head back on the wall and closing his eyes. "There is no sign of anybody and I don't want to look anymore."

"I get it. I don't want to either." I replied and we both sighed in unison.

"At least she didn't get any of us tonight." Louis spoke, a large amount of relief pouring through his words. How long would this go on?

"I don't want William to be born if Zanita's still around." I rested my head in my hands, noticing Louis' head turning to me. The thought of her being anywhere near him made my blood boil.

"William?" He asked, a prominent yet tired smile graced his face. There was light dancing around in his eyes as they met mine.

"Yeah, Saoirse and I decided on the name only a few days ago. You're my best friend, my brother. I had to pay a little tribute to you one way or another." I smiled and Louis nudged me with his shoulder, the smile not leaving his face. "Plus Saoirse loved the fact that it means strong-willed warrior." A sort of excitement filled me when talking about him. I couldn't wait to hold him. I didn't think it would take me over a thousand years to get my first kid but it did and I was first of the boys, which made me a tad proud.

"God, it feels so empty when there's only four of us." Louis' eyes searched the room. "You know it feels like-"

"Like when we had to split? Yeah, I know." I finished for Louis. We split the band over a hundred years ago yet it felt like yesterday. The wounds fresh, thinking about it was like adding salt.

"It was so shitty having the whole world stare at us whilst being so broken." His words made him sound just as hurt as I was. They also made him sound vulnerable which he didn't often show. "And we had to play it off like we wouldn't miss Zayn."

"At least he joined us again after we all disappeared from stardom. I never thought splitting would be as hard as it was." We had never actually talked about quitting the music until now. It had always been a bit touchy when going into details. It had taken years to clear the whole mess and keeping the whole vampire thing secret from the world. No one really knew except the five of us.

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