Chapter 20 It Wasn't Complete

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*Little Note*

This chapter is written from a third persons perspective because it just sounded better that way when I wrote it. The rest of the book will continue from either Saoirse's or Harry's point of view like normally. When you read the chapter I think you'll understand why it is this way.

I wrote the first part of this chapter to the song Paradise Circus by Massive Attack and the song to the second part is Breathe Me by Sia, (some people had asked)

Thank you and enjoy the story! :)

Harry walked up the stairs to his room happily knowing that his feelings for Saoirse were mutual. They'd finally admitted their feelings for each other. Once in his room he felt a presence. In the dark he could see a figure sitting by his desk, waiting peacefully. He flicked the light on, only wanting to flick it back off.

"Hello Harry."

"Zanita?" Harry asked in shock seeing her sit there with her legs crossed. The tight dress she was wearing hugging every curve of her body, revealing more of her chest than he wanted her to. Her red hair pinned out of her face and her lips as red as ever.

"I've missed you." She sighed but he had no intention on returning the phrase. All he wanted was for her to get out before something would happen. She was never to be trusted. His thoughts were interrupted by her.

"Who is she?" Zanita asked, standing up.

"Who?" Harry asked but he knew very well she was talking about Saoirse. Zanita rolled her black lined eyes and he took a step forward.

"Oh, don't play dumb Harry. I want to know who the girl that has captured your heart is." Every word coming for her mouth dripping with hatred, yet sounding seductive to anyone's ears.

"Don't you dare touch her." He threatened which made an evil laugh escape her lips.

"I'd never do such a thing." She grinned mischievously, earning a harsh glare from a pair of green eyes . Zanita leaned back on the empty desk behind her and stared up at Harry. She admired his fit body and felt how much she'd missed him.

"Don't you even think about sinking your teeth into her, draining her or I will personally rip your heart out with joy." Harry snapped, stepping forward closing the space in between them to her pleasure.

"A human?" She asked in shock. Never in a million years would Harry have gone for a human, she thought. His eyes lowered as he felt Zanita's mind taunting him for loving a human, when he could probably have any vampire he wanted. He almost felt embarrassed by the fact that she was probably laughing at him in her head.

"You've bonded." Zanita stated, finding it fascinating. This certainly wasn't the Harry she met back in the twenties. After much consideration she spoke up again. "Do you really want a human?"

The words aggravated Harry. Saoirse was the only one he wanted and Zanita was clearly doubting that these feelings were real when it could easily just have been the bond.

"Why would you want her, when you could easily have me." She whispered to Harry. He could deny it all he wanted but there was still something there. Something about Zanita. That something that he couldn't resist hundreds of years ago was still there and she knew it. After a hundred and fifty years together Zanita knew every feature of his face and body, all his gestures according to emotions, all his strengths and most importantly all his weaknesses.

"Everything you need. We could be just like in the twenties again." A smile was creeping onto Harry's face even though he didn't really want it to. He didn't want them to be like the twenties again. The memories came back to him, how much he'd loved Zanita. She smirked knowing that she still had the power of getting in his head and manipulating his thoughts.

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