Chapter 15 Innocence

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"But why'd you come back? Answer honestly now." Saoirse's big brown doe eyes stared up at me. I sighed pressing my lips together in a thin line. If I told her the real reason I'd only feel guilt but I didn't really have another option. If I lied, the bond would eat me from the inside and out.

"I have to feed." It felt so raw. The words felt cruel off my tongue. The happiness in her eyes flickered but she nodded with understanding.

"Where?" She asked. We both looked around. The grey room was quite boring, modern but boring. So impersonal, it didn't feel like her. This was supposed to be her room yet nothing here seemed like it belonged to her. Her jumper had been carelssly thrown on the bed, and that was pretty much the only item in this room that was truly hers. The silence was long and tense.

"Not here." I said sharply, grabbing her wrist. Before I pulled her with me she grabbed the sweater on the bed and pulled it over her head. I opened the window and light raindrops blew toward us. I placed my foot on the window frame, half of my body outside.

"We can't jump!" Her horrified tone amused me as I grabbed ahold of her waist.

"You're right, we should take the front door." She rolled her eyes at my sarcasm, before grabbing my arms tightly as I made the leap. It wasn't that high but she obviously thought so. Her face was pale as she stared up at the open window. A laugh escaped my mouth and she quickly looked away and slapped my arm.

"But what if my dad notices I'm gone?" She asked panicked.

"Has he acknowledged you for the last hours?"

"Not really." She answered almost sheepishly, grabbing the sleeves of her jumper and pulling them over her hands.

"Then fuck him..." I grin and start walking with her, she looked quite shocked from my words but it was clear that she was trying to hide a smile. Without thinking I started to hum as we walked, it was something I'd always done.

"If this room was burning I wouldn't even notice...." I sang quietly and then noticed Saoirse eyeing me with a wide grin on her face.

"You're a good singer." She smiled and I snorted.

"I was only humming."

"But you've sang to me." She reminded me. "It was lovely." She smiled. Her hands swinging by her sides as she walked faster to keep up with my long strides.

"That feels like ages ago..." I sighed and kept my pace.  Her mentioning me singing to her tugged at something in me.  I don't know what or why, but it did. She was still struggling to keep up with me but I acted as if I didn't notice.

"Are we going all the way to your house?" She groaned, realising the long distance between us now. I nodded and another groan left her mouth. Now she was almost half jogging next to me. My feet stopped and she crashed into my back making me laugh at her embarrassment.

I crouched a bit for her to jump up on my back, she did so and I could even pick up my pace but not much. I was still in need of blood.

When we got to the house I was exhausted and needed blood. Saoirse got the hint and was quick to jump swiftly off my back. I almost collapsed at the sudden weight change. My lips were cracked and my throat was dry. Why would anyone ever want to bond? Blood doesn't last as long now, unless if it's hers. She was by my side in seconds holding her wrist out. I stared at it for quite some time. Her eyes flickering unsure. I lowered her wrist, my hand cupping her face and tilting it to the left burying my face in the crook of her slim neck. She was taking deep breaths to calm herself, surely. Inhaling her scent made me calmer. She made me calm. The smell of roses. That's how she smelt. Like roses, red ones. Being a vampire I could actually smell the colours of flowers. The pink ones were more dainty. She wasn't dainty, one might think so but she's not.

Her small hands grabbed my forearms, like they always did and held me close. I could almost stay like this forever but if it weren't for the blood we wouldn't be in this position in the first place. I wouldn't be holding her or smelling her, as weird as it sounds. My eyes focused on her vein as my fangs protruded from my mouth. I hardly had a chance to to realise what I was doing as my fangs borred into her soft skin. She whimpered slightly but seemed to be dealing with it better than before. Her blood felt like sex. It was so raw, sweet, satisfying and pleasuring. She became putty under my hands. One of my hands to lean her face in and one secure around her waist. I couldn't get enough. It felt like I hadn't fed in years. But I snapped out of my state as her hands moved to my curls, gripping them tight whimpering louder. My heart beat raced as she fisted my curls viciously. I had to think about my every action and focus to not get carried away. I wanted her but I couldn't, I made sure I wouldn't.

As soon as I pulled away she fell into my arms. I knew she'd fainted but it seemed as though she was asleep. A soft moan left her mouth and I had remind myself to give her blood. She drank slowly reopening her eyes. These past two meetings with her, her eyes had appeared bigger almost. More innocent, especially now. Like she didn't dare to even think a thought that would appear to be incorrect.

"Was it too much?" I asked her, afraid that she'd fall if I let go of her.

"No, I feel fine." Saoirse shook her head.

"I didn't mean the feeding.... Just the, erh, intimacy?"

She swallowed finding it hard to look into my eyes. Had I gone too far? Was everything alright? Did she really feel fine? What was wrong with her?

"Is everything okay, Saoirse?" I was cautious, tilting her head up to look at me.

"Yes, everything is fine, I just...... Never mind..." She trailed off, trying to wiggle out of my grip but I wouldn't let her. Why was she so damn stubborn?

"I will compel you to tell me." I grinned at her and her face went bright red.

"No, I can't tell you." She mumbled flustered.

"We've bonded, with every feed the bond gets stronger, sooner or later you will end up telling me." I continued to smile at her embarrassed expression. What could possibly be so awkward for her? She looked away from my face, crossing her arms.

"Saoirse, look at me." I was so going to compel her. "Saoirse...." I teased her. She gave in and looked at me.

"What's so embarrassing?" My eyes looked deeply into hers, feeling her will slip away from her.

"I had, kind of... intimated thoughts about us." Her hand slapped her mouth shut as soon as the words left her mouth.

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