Chapter 54 With The Pain Of A Mother

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(Listen to Make It Rain by Ed Sheeran, I am obsessed)


"I'm so tired..." I sighed, rubbing my hands on my upper arms to create some kind of warmth. Una had ordered me to rest since stress wasn't good for the baby. She'd given Harry and I a small tent for ourselves. He too needed to regain strength. The space we had was small and circular, a small wood burner to keep us warm, blankets and pillows but no kind of bed or anything. All the tables we had were being used as hospital beds for victims of the bombing.

"Me too," Harry rubbed his eyes, flinching at the pain, realising that he'd moved his injured shoulder. It no longer seemed to be getting any better. Quite the opposite actually. There was still flesh, muscles and bones missing, the wound remaining open to infection and bacteria. "But don't worry, the fighters will be going back to the capital to continue our revolution tomorrow. You're part is done and so is mine."

"Yeah," My fear for him just wouldn't die down, constantly in my head. "Thank god."

"I think they're announcing that the government has fallen tomorrow as well. Britain is currently isolated by the powerful humans left in other large cities." The more he told me the more I realised how little I did know about the situation. "But we don't have to worry about them, the revolution is spreading and more people are rioting."

Out of nowhere I rushed over to him, smashing my lips to his. My actions obviously took him by surprise. I just couldn't stand it any more, I loved him too much. I couldn't stand this endless waiting for an end. I kissed him like I'd never kissed him before and like I was never going to kiss him again. My hands were shaking as I just wanted to feel every part of him. His strong hands grabbed my fragile wrists, calming the shaking. Harry pulled away from my lips to look at me. It was so difficult to look back at him, a sob breaking through my facade. My head rested against his chest as I broke down. I wished I didn't know, I wished that I was happy and still believed that we would live happily ever after. I would rather live in a world of oblivion and happiness than knowledge with torture. I wanted to forget, I'd do anything to forget.

"It's alright." I just fell in love with him over and over just from the way he stroked my hair, whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "We're okay."

As much as I wanted to interrupt him, scream and shout about how we weren't okay I kept my lips sealed. I felt his thumb run along underneath my eyes wiping away tears.

"You've cried enough, you don't have to cry anymore. You don't have to worry, I'll make sure of it." As he spoke, he moved his left hand to my waist the other grabbing my hand. "Do you remember when we danced together?" He foolishly grinned, swaying us slightly. A giggle escaped my mouth at his ridiculous expression but nodded to answer his question.

"It's one of my favourite memories, despite what happened afterwards." My head once again rested on his chest, following his movements though there was no music. With my head on his chest I felt it vibrate as he hummed a tune I was not familiar with. Even though I loved music I didn't know much about it neither had I heard much of it. I only knew of the few times my mother would sing.

Just as I was about to ask him to sing for me, he'd beaten me to it,

"Please sing." His words, pressed against my hair sent warmth through my body yet the wind still chilled the air.

"I don't know many songs," I admitted, thinking of every word to a song I knew by heart. Non of them seemed appropriate. I wished I knew as many songs as he did so that I could just sing the most romantic words off the top of my head.

"I don't care what it is, just sing." His head rested on mine, I could feel his eyes closing, as we both relaxed more. Clearing my throat I decided that I had one song, that I'd always loved.

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