Chapter 9 Harry

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I took a deep breath as his fangs graced my skin gently, whilst finding the right spot. I always felt like he made it more.....sexual? than it needed to be. My body was bracing itself for the pain as he put more pressure on me. I grabbed his biceps when my skin was punctured. My grip tightened as the pain increased. Harry was right before, sitting is better. I felt my knees get weaker with every drink of blood he took. His grip around my waist tightened as he felt me getting weaker. His other hand on the back of my neck to keep my head in the right place. The screams didn't leave my mouth since I didn't have any power to release them. I could also feel my nails pretty much breaking from holding onto him so tightly. He grunted against my skin and this feed felt so much longer. Harry was drinking slowly from me, dragging it out as much as possible. Of course he was enjoying it and wants it to last. Just as I felt my knees give in completely, he had me against the wall for support. It was just as painful this time but I could not utter a scream, a shout, a sentence, a word or even a whisper. A part of me wanted him to just kill me here on the spot but another part of me saying don't, just let him continue. Suddenly I felt all the pressure ease off my body, but I was ready to faint at any moment. Harry was quick to bite his wrist bringing it to my mouth. I had no energy left in me, I couldn't move. He practically had to force it down my throat. I had no control of my body. I'm sure he gave me more blood than I needed, yet I still couldn't move and felt just as drowsy as before. I heard him curse under his breath trying to give me more blood. It wouldn't go down. He'd already given me more than enough blood, but it didn't seem to work. As he tried to get the blood down my throat I felt sick and coughed it up. Drowsy wasn't right word to describe how I was feeling. Now it was pain and sickness. The blood kept coming up, I couldn't keep it down. The look of panic was clear in Harry's eyes as he gently picked me up carrying me to the bathroom. He set me down gently and I couldn't stop coughing up blood. Yes, he fed me a lot of blood but it certainly wasn't this much.

"Don't worry Saoirse, you'll be okay." He told me but sounded unsure. After a minute or so I stopped coughing and there was blood everywhere. I was covered in it, and so was Harry from carrying me. The bathroom was also smeared in the red liquid and most likely the hall too. Shortly after my coughing episode I felt drowsy again and everything went black.


"But if she doesn't Liam?! This is all my fault!"

"Calm down Harry! She wanted you to feed off of her, you couldn't have controlled it."

"But it worked the first time!"

Once again I felt myself wake to dialog. Though my mind was too fuzzy to function and comprohend what they were saying. With the little energy I had I managed to push myself up on my elbows and saw Harry and Liam before me. Their eyes immediately found me and Harry was at my side in no time, his arms around me. With his touch the memory of what happened returned.

"See Harry, she's fine." Liam sighed, giving me a warm smile. I returned it shyly, still in his arms.

"I'll give you two a minute." He said before leaving me with Harry. It felt odd being so close to Harry and the way he held was so... So caring?

"You had me so worried." He told me softly. I felt sick. I nodded at his statement, not wanting to talk in case I'd throw up. The nausea was horrible.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded slightly, standing up. No you're not okay, my subconscious told me. "Please say something." He begged standing next to me.

I open my mouth to answer but instantly started coughing again. More blood came up, but this time I knew it wasn't his blood. It was mine.

"Liam!" Harry shouted, catching me since my knees gave in again. Liam was with us within the second. Why was this happening? This couldn't be normal and it was scaring me to say the least.

Bitten (Harry Styles Vampire)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora