Chapter 43 Threaded Through Lives

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"Okay, as you would say, spill it!" I ordered Serena as I pulled her into one of the old rooms in the unsteady house. She needed to tell me what'd happened because right now I felt like everyone was hiding something.

"About what?" She asked, sitting on the old bed in the room.

"Don't act dumb, you and Zayn practically brought a damn skeleton in with you. I've never seen you so cold towards each other, what happened between you two?" Serena shifted uncomfortably under my gaze and pulled a face. She clearly didn't want to to about it but she is my friend and I'm sick of people having too many secrets.

"But it's his fault! We were doing fine and then he has to say something that ruins everything!" She whined but I interrupted her.

"From the beginning please." I looked at her with a small smile which she only half returned.

"He was comforting me because you tricked me into thinking you were dead," She gave me a small glare before continuing. "And I was complaining that the war caused me to never see Zayn anymore. He was quick to once again offer me to move in with him because that way we'd always see one another." I nodded along with her version of the story and made a mental note to ask Zayn as well. Their stories could be miles apart.

"But I don't want my decisions to be based on our bond, I want them to be my own choices. Anyway, he then asked me if I was ever going to leave him. He's crazy asking that after all these years, I'd never leave him. So then he pushed the suggestion further which bothered me. He also said that he was worried when I walked home from him at night and started making up all these scenarios that is be kidnapped or something. I really didn't want to talk about his crazy thoughts." I had a bad feeling this argument would turn into much more.

"He then started to say something to me but stopped, I reassured him that he could tell me anything but he seemed too scared to even utter another word. Him not telling me became a huge argument but that's another story which is not mine to tell." Serena sighed going over the story. She was clearly upset but she didn't seem finished with her story.

"He then started going on about how I wasn't easy to talk to, which is bull because I will always listen to him. And how when he wanted to talk about something I'd brush it under the carpet and that happened once." Her angry tone weakened the further into the argument she got. "What he was talking about was the time when we talked about our futures. I've never wanted to think too far into my life and he had suddenly started asking about marriage and I freaked out." It was nice to actually get an insight of Serena and Zayn's relationship. They'd always been so private and she was really opening up to me.

"Zayn told me that that conversation had been the only thing on his mind. He- he then kissed me." Serena started stuttering and her eyes filled with tears. "And told me that he'd always loved me."

I hugged her close to me though I didn't understand why she was crying.

"But that's good, he loves you!" I tried cheering her up, not sure why she was so upset about him loving her. It was a beautiful thing.

"No!" She wailed. "That means our bond might not be as weak as I thought! And I don't love him back." She cried loudly. I told her to keep her voice down considering over hearing conversations in this house was easy for even human ears.

"But Serena listen to yourself, you'd never leave him, you'd always be there for him. I know you love him. Maybe not like that but you do love him." I rubbed her back trying to soothe her as well as I could. Now I was pretty convinced Zayn's story would most likely be the same.

"You're pulling yourself away from him and that won't help either. I know you'd rather have him there with you than being alone. Plus he hasn't tried to pull anything on you yet." I understood that she felt guilty but out of all people shouldn't Zayn be the heartbroken one?

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