Chapter 21 Meet Me There

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How am I ever going to get out of here? Was the first thought that hit after the slow agonising minutes. I was too desprate to know what the pain was, I couldn't wait. But there was no way out of here. My father was probably guarding the door and the boards covering my window seemed to be laughing at me. I was stuck here and I knew it. There was no possible way for me to escape. All I could do now was hope for Harry to have felt the same thing and would come to see if I was okay. What would I do is he doesn't come here?

The clock on the wall was ticking so slowly that I had to go and check if the batteries were okay. I'm going insane, I sighed at myself. How could I get crazy? I am already crazy. I ran away with a vampire when knowing nothing about them, I insisted on one feeding from me before I even knew what it was about, I made an eternal committement to one because I thought I had nothing left. I had been the one rushing the whole situation. But then again, If I hadn't gone with him I would've probably ended up the same as Robin and my mother. I remember clearly how Harry had so blankly told me that he'd saved my life and that I needed to be grateful. I also remember being to shocked when he pulled the bullet out of his side as if it were nothing. Now that I think about it, he was the first friend I ever had. All my childhood I had to work with my mother. I never got to play with the other more privileged kids. Robin always got to, and to that my mother would only respond "You are the oldest and you need to learn how to take care of him if anything happens."

People would always think I despised Robin because of this but they couldn't be further from the truth. I loved him with all my heart and would listen to my mother, because I was raised to respect them and do as told. Though now I'm not the same. I hate the way my father thinks he can control me, I'm not a child and it's time for me to start making my own decisions. But I also have to take the consequences, such as pain because I can't take being separated from a damn vampire. But missing him doesn't feel the same now as it did half an hour ago. I'm certain something's happened to him and I'm worried sick. The bond is eternal and only death can break it, I remember Serena telling me that. But their bond isn't the same as mine and Harry's. I don't even know what to think anymore. Everyting was fine when I left, but maybe something happened to him on his way back?

No, it wouldn't take that long for him to get back to the house. He would've ran so it couldn't have taken more than 5 minutes.

I just wanted to scream at all the thoughts flying through my head at rapid speeds. There was no way I could sleep through this night. Not considering how worried I was. I laid down on the bed, trying to somewhat relax and with only one prayer spinning in my head.

"Please lord, show me some kind of sign that he's okay."


"I've missed this house so much, there is something about these beds. I never sleep this well anywhere else." Her long slender arms ,tipped with blood red long nails, stretched out in front of her as a sigh left her mouth. I admired her beauty as she smiled staring up at the ceiling. In a way she was glowing before me. The whole world seemed a little brighter right now. The morning sun shining into the room, the light hitting her perfectly. She sat up, letting her gold hair cascade down her bare back. My fingers traced the vertabraes visible through her soft skin. Another sigh left her mouth though this one sounding sad. I sat up next the her, seeing the slight frown on her forehead. I knew as an old vampire you have a lot of unsolved problems bothering you at the worst times. This used to happen all the time when we were together. I moved her thick hair to one side kissing her bare shoulder blade. Her smell was intoxicating. And no matter how horribe she is, she will always have this affect on me. And she knows it. She's always had this affect on vampires and especially humans, even before she was turned.

"I don't want to return to France, the war there is worse than the revolution in 1789. Paris is in flames. I can't go back to Berlin, there is too much history there. America is all terrible, except New York has made it pretty well. Asia has somehow gathered an incredible force of witches and are the closest to peace. Sweden is chaos after not being in a war since before the twenty first century. And Africa is suffering, not so much from vampires as starvation and natural causes. I think most people there already knew about vampires. There is no peaceful place on earth." Her words were filled with pain and so was the expression on her face.

"Here is peaceful." I whispered, looking into her grey eyes, gently kissing her. She was just as amazing as always. I don't even remember why I left her in the first place or why I've ever been skeptical about her. Why hadn't I saved her? Got her here earlier? It should have been the first thing I had done when the war started.

But that's the thing. I did, or was supposed to. But something drew me to another woman. Something that I cannot explain drew me to that shed. It was almost as if we'd bonded before we actually had. I went in that old shed and heard the most beautiful voice to ever leave anyone's lips. She was hiding her brother, the whole village was burning and I couldn't let her die. So I asked a witch to cast a spell, to let any living creature in that shed live. And since then I've claimed her as mine. She is mine. No other man is to touch her or so much as think a lustful thought about her. If I see Liam ever getting close to her again, I swear. I'm sure he likes her. Who wouldn't?

But what am I doing? I've bonded with a girl who is mine and mine alone, yet I'm bed with another woman. It's wrong yet I can't help it. Saoirse is alone in that house with her horrible father and is probably preparing to go that dead road tonight. What am I suppose to do with Zanita?

"What are thinking so much about?" Zanita interupted, not looking as glorious in my eyes as before. She kissed me continuesly but I could no longer understand where I was or what I was doing. I need to go to Saoirse but I am not capable of getting rid of Zanita.

"I need to run an errand tonight. Can I leave you here then? It will only take 10 minutes?" Her stared deeply into me doubting my every word.

"Of course." She agreed, a smirk appearing on her face. "But only if you do one thing for me." she pulled me ontop of her without one hesitation. Still I could not physically push her away, as my body ruled over my mind. Though my mind was not complaining either.

Sorry for the late update! I've been really busy with school and dance. But this update is in celebration of 10,000 reads and 300 votes! That's crazy and we're only about halfway into the story. Thank you so much and I will try to update faster this time.

And please tell me what you think of Zanita, I'd love to know. And also tell me which characters you ship, haha!

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