Chapter 4: We thought they were good

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James walked to the back of the lab, cautiously scanning for any people nearby. When James arrived, he stuck the key into the keyhole, and slowly creaked the door open. Nobody was there, so he crouched down and went inside. He saw an elevator, so he went inside of it. He still held the note, so he looked to see if there was anything that would tell him where to go. He flipped the paper over, it said, "go to room 23, we'll be there"

James clicked the 23 button as quietly as he could. The elevator made a ding!  And flew up the elevator cage. James snuck out of the elevator when it hit the top, and looked to his left. A door sign said,

Substance Studies: KEEP OUT!

James opened the door slightly, and peeked inside.

There were 3 scientists, in a large, dim-lit room. They stood in front of a human sized tube, and of course, inside was a person. Their eyes were closed, and they had a gas mask, they floated inside of the strange tube, unconscious. James' thoughts were interrupted by the speech of the scientists.

"Are you sure this is going to work out how we want?"

"Yes, I'm sure, though it could take years."

"No worries Sean, it'll be worth it. We'll finally have power."

"I guess you're right.

"So guys, what effects will the potion have? And what's it going to do? I wasn't here the other day due to the funeral."

"Well, we're planning to make it pink, since people find that color pretty harmless. Green is too suspicious."

"Alright, so what's it gonna do to them?"

"It will scatter their memories, and give them a sort of permanent PTSD state. They will kill anything, although we might not have full control."

"Cool. I have an idea to add to it, we can give them abilities, like wings, and stuff. It'll give them random powers, and accessories to add to the zombies state."

"They aren't going to feast on people, they're just going to kill them, and infect them."

"Well, this is going to be a fun project. The USA can finally die out, and there will be an amazing amount of power for us. We can let it live forever!"

"Well, should we make a cure, just in case it gets out of hand? We could set up the infection, and make sure nobody finds out about us. Then we'd get money for being the heros!"

"You have a lot of bright ideas, despite not being here yesterday. Hah."

"Thanks. Let's get this show on the road!"

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