Chapter 18: Break-out

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"Where's my sister?" Roman asked.

"She went to hunt, little guy. She'll be back tomorrow." Jake replied. Roman walked away, feeling suspicious.

"So what did the nice man say?" Lizzy asked as Roman slumped into the playroom.

"He said that sister went hunting, but why would she be gone for a whole day?" Roman replied with a question. Lizzy looked up.

"They could be lying, you know. Silly brother!" Lizzy looked back at Roman, she had a smile, a look of mischief and joy.

"If sister is gone for the day, then who's to stop us from exploring? What about that big scary room that Mr. J told us not to go in?" Lizzy exclaimed.

"I dunno Lizzy. What if there is a big monster down there?" Roman frowned.

"Oh come on! We can fight it with our big swords." Lizzy exclaimed again, quieter. She quickly got up off of the floor, and grabbed Roman's hand.

"Come on, it'll be super fun!" The kids scurried next to a pipe, and searched for any adults.

"There's no grown-ups. Let's go!" Lizzy whispered. She reached up to the doorknob and turned it slowly. Roman helped push the door open slowly, trying not to make even the slightest sound. The door finally opened just enough for them to sneak through. They wandered down a long, narrow flight of stairs.

"It stinks here. Did you fart or something?" Roman asked.

"Nope. I smell it too!" The kids reached the bottom of the stairs and wandered around, careful not to accidentally split up. They found nothing that was interesting, just boxes, ropes, chains, pipes, and weapon rooms, although they were locked tight. The kids nearly gave up until they saw a door.

"I think we can unlock that!" Lizzy whispered. She moved a box to the door, and carefully unlocked the heavy steel door. It didn't open.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be here!" a voice called. The kids jumped.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Roman whispered. The kids hugged each other tight, but felt slightly relieved when they saw Mr. Jenkin.

"Oh, don't get too comfy now. You guys are in trouble!" Roman frowned. Lizzy chuckled for a second, and then looked down. The silence held until a crash broke it. The door of the room the kids had just unlocked slammed open.

"Oh crud,"

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