Chapter 24: Shooting Suns

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Alice just completed her hunt. She reentered the building and sat down on a slumpy bench. She considered letting the kids stay at the playroom a little longer. Suddenly the announcements clocked on.

"Hello everyone. Mrs. Green here. Calling number 371 to the laboratory. Mr. Jenkin would like to speak with you. Clocking off, have a great day everyone."

Alice sighed. She picked up her weapons and propped them in her pockets, then began her jog down the halls. Alice reached the medical lounge, and walked through the lounge, coming across the lab.

"Mr. Jenkin? You called?"

Mr. Jenkin turned his chair around.

"Yup. I created something for you. It looks weird, but it's pretty cool."

Mr. Jenkin pulled out a strange, bendy plastic blindfold. It had techno eyes, with a censor that changed the eyes expression to what the host was feeling. Attached to it was a monitor on one eye that could see infected from miles away when turned on, and finally, a mic to communicate with Mr. Jenkin, Mrs. Green, and Rose.

"Wow, this is interesting..?"

"Yep, this is what I've been working on, it's also why I haven't called you in a while. I call it a blind-com. This allows you to speak with Rose, our best medic, me, and Mrs. Green if you need back-up during a fight."

"It's really cool, I'm surprised it took just a few weeks to make."

"Haha, that's why I'm a scientist. And the owner of this place."

Alice chuckled. She took her bandages off, picked it up and adjusted the straps on her head carefully.

"This is cool, and much more comfy than the itchy bandages. You're saying that I can keep it?"

"Yup. Enjoy. Just try not to get it in water, or drop it from a high place."

"Thanks Mr. Jenkin."

Alice walked slowly out of the laboratory, trying out every feature she could. After 5 minutes, she made it to her room, and laid down.

I haven't been outside in weeks. Maybe I'll go for a bit, we have a fence anyways.

Alice sat up. She left her room and walked towards the thick metal door, sliding her keycard gracefully through the monitor. She jogged outside and found a peaceful spot to lay down. She did so. Even though it was daytime, she felt like she was seeing shooting stars. That was something Alice hadn't seen for a long time, if ever. All the trauma was too much. It was easy to tell that anything could happen at any given moment. 3 soldiers died throughout the month Alice was there. She relaxed her muscles and stared at the sky. The sun, which looked like a bright moon, smiled at her, at least that's what her hallucinations showed. Even if it wasn't real, it was a positive sighting. Smiles weren't common anymore. Not when people were being straight up killed left and right, and people were losing everything they ever worked for because of the ambush. Nothing was the same. Alice suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped, only to see Sammy.

"Hey, you know you're not supposed to be out here. It's dangerous."

"I know, but I missed the outdoors."

"Alright, I'll make an exception, but just this once."


"It's no issue. I shouldn't abuse my power. Anyways, why are you out here."

"I just miss the times where I could feel the wind on my skin without being at risk."

"I get your point. I haven't really been able to relax out here, I just come to guide you and the other soldiers."

"Yeah, it's stressful, at least that's what I think. Is it?"

"Yep. Very."

"That sucks. I never really got to know you, you just kinda became my leader. Did you have a family before this whole infection?"

"Mhm, my ma, and my brother. I also babysat a little girl, I used to work as a daycare employee."

"You seem tough to work with kids."

"Well the infection changed everything you know."

"Hmm.. What were your family's names?"

"My ma was named Justice. My brother was CJ, and the girl I babysat was Faith."

"Cute names. I had a big family, I'm lucky my little siblings are still here. I had a sister, a brother, my mom, my stepdad, it was kinda lively. I miss them."

"You lost a lot. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry about your losses too. It's rough to lose people. That's a no-brainer, but it's a fact."

"I know. I personally wish I appreciated the fact that I had a family, and I had the ability to go outside. That's all gone now, and now I'm stuck with all this. It's like bitter karma."

"We've all done things like that, I did too. My life wasn't cupcakes and unicorns before the infections, honestly it was worse. My family didn't give 2 f***s about me, but I still miss them. They were all I really had."

"For me, it was kinda the other way around. I never appreciated them. Now they're hunting people down, including me."

"They're hunting us all down. Scientists are working on a cure. Hopefully it'll be finished soon."

"Hm. I'm going to go in, I'm tired and I need to get my siblings before the playroom manager goes Karen mode."

"Good idea, I've seen her like that, haha."

"Well, cya round."

"Bye Alice."

Alice picked herself up off the ground, and sid towards the door. Her mood grew, and she couldn't help but feel a strange emotion. She couldn't tell what it was. She realized she was falling for Sam. Alice slapped herself and shrugged her thoughts off, then she entered the building, jogging down the hallway to find her siblings.

Is he special?

Is he?

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