Eric carr x ace - sick behind drums pt 2

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Eric's pov

(I do not own any brand mentioned in this.)

Vomit warning

I was cuddling Ace when suddenly I felt the urge to throw up. I throw myself off of him and run into the bathroom, holding my hand to my mouth. I lift up the toilet seat lid and throw up. Ace came after me and held my hair back.

End of warning

I started crying, mainly because we had to cut the concert short because of me.
"Hey, sh sh. It's ok." He said, trying to comfort me.
"Why did I have to get sick tonight? Like not even tomorrow when we don't have a show?" I cried, head still hovering over the toilet.
"You can't control when you get sick. Plus, we even rescheduled for the end of the tour. It's gonna be ok." He replies, rubbing my back. By now I felt a little better and like I wasn't gonna throw up again. I turned and hugged ace and cried into his chest. He rubbed my back for a few minutes before hugging me.
"Are you feeling better?" He asks and I nod.
"Wanna go to bed?" He follows up.
"Mhm." I reply, opening my eyes.
"Alright." He said, picking me up as he stood up himself.
"What are you doing?" I ask into his shoulder, holding onto him.
"Taking you to bed." He replies and sets me down on one of the beds. He moves across to the other bed and pulls down the covers. I start to lift up the covers of the bed that he placed me on by I was suddenly locked up again and placed under the covers of the other bed.
"I could haven gotten under the covers myself Ace." I said tired, but then he got under the covers next to me.
"Yes. But that was just meant to distract you." He replies, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
"Distract me from what-oh." I said confused, until he wrapped his arm around me.
"Wanna cuddle?" He asked, smiling at me.
"Uh. Yeah. Sure." I blushed and turned over to him on my side.
"Ok. Do you mind if I take my shirt off though? I'm kinda warm." He asked and I blushed before nodding. He chuckled a little bit at my blushing. He took his shirt off and I blushed some more before pulling the covers over my body more and slightly shivering.
"Are you cold?" Ace asked, wrapping his arm around me, pulling himself closer to me.
"Mhm." I said as I draped my arm over his shirtless chest.
"Here." He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead.

*time skip*

I woke up at around 3 am and felt kinda sick. I gently shook Ace to wake him up and he groaned.
"What?" He asked, still half asleep.
"I'm feeling sick again." I said, clutching my stomach.
"Do you feel like your gonna throw up?" He slightly lifted his head and stroked my cheek.
"I don't know. My stomach just hurts a lot but I don't feel like I need to throw up." I told him, shifting my position a little.
"Ok. Do you wanna take something? Maybe that'll help you feel better?" He asked and kissed my forehead.
"Mhm." I agree and he gets up and goes over to his bag. He pulls out water and tylenol.
"Here you go." He hands it to me and I put a pill in my mouth before swallowing with water. I put both bottles on the nightstand next to me. He layed back down and I cuddled into him again. He started to stroke my hair and I blushed, burying my face in his chest in case he could see me.
"Aw are you cold?" He stroked my cheek. I just went along with it and I am kinda cold.
"Mhm." I mumbled and he pulled the covers up and wrapped his arms around me, before kissing me on my forehead and asking, "Better?" An I reply smiling and nodding.
"Mh. You so cute." He adds, before I fall back asleep.

*time skip*

I wake up and I am on top of Ace. My head is on his chest and one of my legs was between his. I didn't want to wake him up, so I stayed on him. I moved my head slightly and gently kissed his chest. What I didn't know is that Gene came in the room right at that moment, until the door closed. I jolted up and saw no one. He must have left. I my sudden movement woke Ace up.
"Huh?" He said when he saw me laying back down on him.
"Uhh. I woke up like this. I can get off if you want?" I hurried, pulling myself off of him, coughing little.
"You're fine. Are you still feeling sick?" He asked and grabbed my hand and tugged it, motioning for me to come down again. I blushed as I landed on his chest again.
"I do. Still feel sick. Not too much tho. My stomach feels a lot better than it did last night. Now it's just my throat and head." I say stroking his chest. He put his hand to my forehead.
"You still have a little bit of a fever but it's almost gone." He said.
After a while he randomly asks, " You like me right? In like...a romantic way?" My eyes shot open and I blushed hard.
"Y-yeah." I stutter.
"Would you uh...maybe wanna be...boyfriends?" He asks and my face turns even more red.
"Y-yeah. Yeah. I...I do." I say. He looks down at me and says, "Wow. I've never seen someone blush that much. It could be the fever but I think I'm most of it." He teased. I pulled myself directly on top of him before saying, "I love you Ace." And smashing my lips onto his.

heyyyyyy part 2s finally upppp. How u like? Was it good? Hope so I spent a few days working on it cuz I ran out of ideas. Imma try to make some not sick povs but like more romantic. I mean this is kinda romantic if u find it so yeah. Hope u enjoyed. Be here with more tomorrow or in two months lol.

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