Chapter 21

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Josh's POV:

The alpha is allowing me to help! I'm relieved that I'm not being torn to shreds but can't keep my hopes up, I don't know what's gonna happen once all of this is finished. The alpha gathered a lot of wolves, and I was in chains trapped by the alpha and the beta; guess they were still treating me as a prisoner. "You better not fuck with us, or you will be our dinner when we return" Beta Axel stated making me shiver. As soon as every wolf was assembled, we then set off towards the scent of the wolf that made me kidnap our future Luna, their sent was still strong... why couldn't they tell it was here? I had no idea, but I kept on going following the scent of this man, I hope the future Luna will still be alive.

It's been days since we set off to find him, he was nowhere close which was making me nervous since I could feel the anger radiating off the beta as well as the alpha. "I've had enough of this!" suddenly when my senses came back, I saw the beta towering over me, his paw showing his claws waiting to strike me while I lay still on my back, words can't describe the fear building up inside me. "We have been following you for days and now I think it's time you-" he was thrown away confusing me and every wolf around me, as I looked to my left, I saw the alpha protecting me? "Enough Axel, you are killing him would not help anything, for some reason I can see he is following something that we can't sense, and don't you think it's strange that he knows exactly which way he's going" silence filled the air as Beta Axel got onto his paws again. "It's unreasonable why you're protecting him Noah, he's clearly lying"

"I'm not lying! There is a scent that I can sense from a mile away, I don't know why you can't sense it but I wanna follow it and find him and the Luna" the words left my mouth before I could even realise, as soon as I saw the alpha look at me, I felt myself cowering before his wolf.

"Then follow it Josh, and I'll be right behind you" We started following the scent again and I could tell that Beta Axel was not happy but I'm glad that someone believed me, but now it was time to find him soon, before it's too late. We kept walking but one night something wasn't the same about the area we just walked onto, it felt like it is owned or was owned, there was ash, burnt trees, tree stumps that were left from being cut down and old wooden buildings that have been destroyed, was this an old pack that was attacked ages ago?

"Alpha try and use your mate link with Theo, he could be here, the scent is very strong"


Theo's POV:


I couldn't sleep last night; my body was in constant pain from the number of whips, punches and bruises I have received in the last few days, the same girl always helps me, but she only appears when he's not around, it's confusing but it does make me wonder why. Is she scared of my uncle? Or is there something else that is different about her that I can't figure out. I'm glad that she helps me after the suffering my so called uncle does to me. But every time she cleans up my wounds, she always whispers to me "One day closer, keep going" what did she mean by that? One step closer to my death? To breaking? To what?!

While I was deep in thought, I didn't realise that someone entered the room until I felt something cold brushed over my back until I felt something run down my sides, as I looked I saw a fist come towards my face making me whimper and made my world go a bit blurry I kept feeling different parts of me feeling that cold thing going across me until I feel the wetness run down the sides of each part of me that was touched until something went through my right leg making me scream in pain. As I focused on what caused that pain, I saw the knife going through my leg pinning it to the mattress, if I moved an inch it would feel like someone was twisting it around. S-Silver pls talk to me I mind linked

Theo what the fuck happened?!

I don't know Silver, since you blocked me out... I can barely move

Shit Theo, and you didn't try

I had no strength

Fuck, has Noah or shadow manage to find you yet?


Geez I was just checking I could sense him rolling his eyes


It's fine but we need to find a way to help you

Like what, I'm bound to the fucking bed

Wish it was Noah doing that to us

Not the time to get me hard you horny wolf

Well, its not my fault that being pregnant makes me horny

Wait... what did you say?

Shit I forgot I didn't tell you... I was pregnant?! Is that what my uncle meant by it not being Noah that he would hurt... he was gonna hurt the baby inside me! Why didn't you tell me Silver

It wasn't the best time to tell you

Everyone knew Silver except me!

I know I know and I'm sorry

We are having words later but right now we need to escape Jay left and the girl came in again now cleaning me up and bandaging me up "they're in the area, you're doing well Theo, I hope your life will be back to normal again" who's here? I can't even think straight right now from the amount of blood that has left my system. Theo... hear... me who was that in my head?

Who... are... you?

THEO... COMING! My eyes gotten too heavy to keep open and my world fell to darkness.


A/N: If your wondering what the girl looks like that was with Theo's crazy Uncle then here you girl, name will be revealed soon!

A/N: If your wondering what the girl looks like that was with Theo's crazy Uncle then here you girl, name will be revealed soon!

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