Chapter 25

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Noah's POV:

THE BABY IS COMING! NOW! OF ALL TIMES! Moon Goddess why...! "o-ok baby, we will get through this" I said trying his best to comfort Theo as Jay jumped away from Theo shifting into his human form still startled from the baby being born now. "I-it shouldn't have been this quick, why is this happening" Jay asked. Theo tried to reply but only incoherent sounds came out of his mouth as he tried his best to breath. "I-I don't know what to do babe, I-I never delivered or even know how to help you through this" I said my voice cracking, feeling my heartbeat faster as my fear began to grew. "I'll... do... it" a voice from the doorway said in pants, as I looked, it was Keira however her bleeding was beginning to stop, she must have healed herself as best as possible in the other room while Jay and I were distracted. "Are you sure Keira?" I asked and she nodded in response, I moved to the side so she could get next to me as I held onto Theo's trebling hand. "D-don't go anywhere you hear me" Theo stated and I smiled small nodding "I won't go anywhere my Luna."


Jay's POV:

I watched from a distance of the sight in front of me. After everything I wanted to do... the pain I wanted to give him... me wanting to kill his mate... and I'm just standing here doing nothing! How pathetic am I? I never wait and let something like this happen! I would take every chance I get! My sight... why is my vision blurring everything around me? As I closed my eyes and opened them again, all I saw was white, the room I was in has faded away, the fight outside I couldn't hear, the blood on me was still there but the blood that was around me was gone. All I could see was them three in front of me but they looked frozen in time.

"Now this was a sight I was not expecting to see" a voice said from behind me but again I couldn't move!

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, where are my manners, I'm the moon goddess, the ruler of all wolves" she stated and I saw her come into my view, she was different but, in some ways, the same to what I imagined. "Why can I see you?" I inquired.

"Well, you see, I wanted to talk to you about your ruthlessness around this whole take over the pack of rogues and become alpha business and Theo..."

"What is there to talk about, I wanna cause him pain and kill everyone that means a lot to him and-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH" I felt the non-existent ground shake beneath my feet, "This is what I mean, your obsession to kill him and everyone and cause him pain for doing nothing to you! He ran away when you killed his parents when he was fourteen and then chased after him for two years with Keira, abusing her and making her your puppet for your own gain, not realising what's happening around you!" she stated "Now look what's happened, I had to use my power to make sure the baby is born so you don't hurt them, and I make sure you don't kill any of them by making you lose control of your own body and your wolf form, I have every right to take that form from you and make sure that your fate comes closer than I wanted when you were younger! I never make sure that someone's fated end changes and comes closer than expected but I may have to make an exception with you Jay" As I looked at her I could see the anger in her eyes, I sensed fear for the first time in while being at the presence of the moon goddess, I knew that she wasn't bluffing, she was always truthful even when I was younger.

She sighed and backed away from me rubbing her temples. "You have changed a lot Jay, that boy when you were younger is gone and now you're this monster"

"That boy was weak."

"WRONG" she roared staring straight into my eyes "That boy was far from weak, he had strength to deal with every wolf that poked him and when he came to his wolf doctor to be patched up after he was beaten from their own jealousy and would say that you were pathetic and would be a horrible leader was their own jealousy, now you change into this beast! I don't care what happened to you Jay by I'm stating now that the good and hope I had for you will now be different, your mate will never see you and he won't live for long either! My word is final! But if you change..." she smiled and laughs "if that's even possible, then I may reconsider but it won't be easy" she turned on her heel and walked away and my eyelids grew heavy and closed, as I opened them again, I was back in the room laying on the bed next to Theo.


Theo's POV:

"Almost there Theo, just one more push ok" Keira said and I was panting heavily, I was sweating buckets. "You got this baby, you can do this, we are almost there" Noah said kissing my temple and with a deep breath I pushed one last time and I screamed in agony. Seconds later I heard cries of a baby, I did it... I finally did it, as Keira cleaned up the little baby and came back in holding them in a small blanket. "It's a girl" Keira stated with a smile on her face, I felt tears run down my cheeks and I reached out for my little girl, as I kissed her forehead as she laid in my arms and slept. "What should we call her babe?" Noah asked, "Ella" I said with a smile. I handed Ella to Noah as I could tell he was craving to hold her but now was the time to tell them. "Babe?" he looked at me giving me his attention "Take good care of her for me" his confused looked was asking a million questions, "It's time for me to go, I made a deal, it was either me or the baby... I'm not taking my babies life... I love you Noah" I said, and my eyes started to close and the last thing I heard was "Theo, baby open your eyes, don't leave me."


Keira's POV:

As I looked at Theo's lifeless body and Noah crying his eyes out as he held little Ella in his arms, I couldn't help by shed a few tears myself, Theo gave his own life for his child... I never knew Theo much, but he was a selfless boy who would do anything to save anyone else's life even if it means risking his own, and he showed that today. I looked at Jay and shouted "You got what you wanted! He's dead, you got your wish now leave!" Jay didn't move but stare at Theo, I screamed 'leave' at him again but there was still no movement. "Second shelf, it will say Cantus, you will need it for Theo" after he said that he got up and left and muttered "I'm sorry moon goddess, but I'm ready for my fate" and he disappeared for good.

Surprisingly I listened and found the book a few minutes later, as I looked, the book was a little bit dusty, but it didn't look damaged at all, it looks like it wasn't affected by the fire at all, unlike the other books, they weren't burnt and nearly in ashes. What was so different about this book? I took the book and headed back to the rest of the guys, "Noah... I think we should bring Theo back to your pack for a ceremony for him" Noah didn't say a word but gave me Ella, picked up Theo and started walking out the door, every wolf around us stopped and looked us and saw Theo in Noah's arms and joined us while we walked back to their pack.


A/N: So sorry for the very late update, I'll try and update the story and best as possible

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