Chapter 15: Skylar(at the start)/Camila(at the end)

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Chapter 15: Skylar 

It's the end of the day and I'm walking straight to Camila's locker knowing that the girls would be there. I had the chance to confront all of them individually throughout the day, but I would rather do this when they're all together.

As I turn a corner, I am in the hallway her locker is in. Luckily, the hallway is pretty empty. As I get closer to her locker, I see all 5 of them standing in a circle, laughing.

The sight makes my blood boil.

They ruined my life and they don't have a single problem in theirs. I hate them. Oh my god. I don't think I've ever hated anyone more.

I stormed over to them, "Hey!" I yell. 

They all look up at me, and their smiles fade to a look of confusion.

I walk straight up to Camila and shove her, "You ruined my life!" I yell before turning back to the rest of the girls.

"All of you ruined my life! I hate all of you! What the hell did I ever do to you! What did I ever do to any of you!"

"Skylar, you need to chill," Normani says.

"I need to chill?! You have to be joking." I say getting in Normani's face. Every time I take a step forward, she takes a step back. "You need to chill and leave me the fuck alone. All of you do. I am tired of it. I am tired of all of you!"

"Skylar, what is going on?" Camila speaks up.

I turn to her, and start shoving her, "You ruined my life that's what!" I yell as I continue to push her with every sentence I say, "the five of you used to be my best friends, but then all of you left me. Dropped me without a second thought. And that's fine! But, then you guys started to bully me and make my life miserable every single day. And, you know what that was fine too. Why? Because even though you guys made it your mission to hurt me every day, I still had other people. I finally found other people who cared about me but you guys had to take them away from me. You guys had to take away the only people that were always there for me. I am all alone now. I literally have no one." By the end of my rant, I had stopped pushing Camila and was sobbing instead.

My back slid down against the lockers so that I was sitting on the floor, hands in my face, crying.

No one talks. No one reacts. Everyone's just looking at me with confused expressions.

Eventually, Camila sits down next to me and pulls me closer to her so that I'm crying in her arms now.

After a few minutes, I settle down and am finally catching my breath again.

"Honestly I don't know how to react to this, or how you expected us to react to this. Like, honestly I don't care how sad it makes you or what you think of us. If we tell you not to talk to someone anymore then you better listen, if you know what's good for you." Lauren says, coldly.

I scoff as I break out of Camila's arms, I honestly don't expect any less from her.

"Lauren," Ally whisper-yells before smacking Laurens's arm.

"Ow, what?" Lauren replies rubbing her arm.

"Have a heart." Ally whispers.

I scoff, "whatever, honestly. I don't know what I was thinking. People like you don't change." I say, getting up off the floor.

"What did you say?" Lauren asks, annoyed.

"I said people like you don't change. The five of you are nothing but a bunch of sadists." I scoff, pushing past them to leave.

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