Chapter 18: Skylar

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"Alright guys! That's the bell. I'm going to be heading out right now because I have a meeting, but if you have any questions about the project email me! Have a good rest of your day!" My psychology teacher, Mr. Zeeland, says as he rushes out the door.

Thank God. I cannot wait to get out of this hellhole.

Apparently all my classmates are thinking the same thing as everyone is rushing out the door.

Understandable. Gotta admit though, Erin's pretty smart. I ignored the girls today, and I actually didn't get much trouble. These sunglasses really do work.

I stand up and pull my backpack up onto my chair. I gather my things from my desk and put them into my bag one by one. I don't know why my desk is cluttered with so many things, but this project is ridiculous.

"Hey Skylar," I hear as I'm putting my papers into my folder.

I look up with a smile, but that quickly fades away when I recognize the person standing in front of me.


She's standing there with a huge innocent smile on her face.

Great, just the person I didn't want to see. Ugh, whatever she's got to say isn't going to be good. I need to leave. There's no one in here. Fuck, how do I always get into these situations.

I ignore her and continue to put things into my backpack at a much quicker pace.

"Still ignoring us, I see." Ally says, as she reaches over and grabs my notebook, and opens it, "this seems nice."

I quickly snatch my book out of her hand, glaring at her.

"Wow, take a compliment Skylar. I just called your notebook nice." Ally replies, putting her hands up in surrender.

I internally roll my eyes at her comment, and stuff my notebook in my bag, zipping it up. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I try to make a quick exit, but Ally gets in my way.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Get out of my way." I say, trying to go around her.

She gets in my way again, "Wow, you do have a voice? I would've never guessed!"

"Can you seriously move, I don't have time for this. What do you even want?" I ask.

"I'll tell you what we want." I hear Camila say, making Ally smirk at me.

I look up towards the door to see the other 4 girls walk in. Normani closes the door behind her, locking it.

Oh great. Just what I needed. What do they even want. I stayed out of their way the entire day today. What's their problem?

"We want you to know your place." Camila says, standing next to Ally with her arms crossed.

"Oh trust me, I do know my place. Which is why I've had enough of you assholes treat-"

Before I can finish my sentence, Normani slaps me, "Clearly you don't know your fucking place."

"If you think you're going to get away with the way you talked to us yesterday and today, then think again." Lauren says.

"I haven't even done anything to you guys! Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone!?" I yell.

Normani scoffs, "Oh shut up Skylar. You've done plenty."

"You think you can ignore us this entire day and there wouldn't be consequences?" Dinah asks.

"Oh my god," I mumble, "this is fucking stupid. You guys are fucking lunatics and are out of your mind. I've had enough of this. You guys aren't going to control me. Leave me the fuck alone." I say, trying to get around them.

But, Camila pulls me back and slaps me, "you leave when we say you can leave. Now this is what's going to happen. You're going to be our little bitch for the rest of this week."

"What the fuck?! NO!" I yell, "why the fuck would I do that!"

"Because if you don't, then this goes up all around the school." Normani smirks, holding up a paper with a picture on it.

Is that me?! What the fuck?!

It's a picture of my face photoshopped onto a topless girl wearing a diaper.

Why the fuck is this even happening?

"A-are you s-serious?" I stutter out.

"Y-yes, w-we are." Dinah mocks.

Ally laughs, "Isn't it great? You're even saying 'I wear diapers because sluts like me cry so much that my parents are afraid I'm going to start wetting the bed too'. We thought it matched who you are so perfectly."

"You know, a little baby that cries about every single fucking thing in her life." Lauren says.

"The one thing that's never changed about you since middle school." Camila says.

Wow, they really won't stop until they ruin my life. If everyone at school sees that my life is actually over. I'll never be able to walk in these halls again. That's fucking humiliating. Imagine if my mom heard about this or Erin. God Erin would be so embarrassed to call me her sister, especially when she gets older and comes here. It's such a small town. No one's ever going to forget that.

"You guys are seriously fucked up." I say, trying not to cry.

"Awww is Skylar going to cry now." Lauren says in a baby voice.

"What a pathetic little slut." Normani scoffs.

"Fuck you guys." I say, trying to stop my tears from falling.

"What'd you say?" Dinah asks, getting angry.

"I said fuck-"

Before I can finish my sentence Dinah slapped me on my face. I'm positive that's going to leave a mark.

"God, I've been waiting to do that since yesterday." Dinah says.

"So Skylar, are you going to be our bitch for a week or are we going to have to post those pictures up all over the school and internet?" Camila says.

"No, I'll do it." I mumble.

"Do what?" Camila asks, smirking at me.

"I-I'll be y-your b-bitch." I say with my voice breaking.

"Good, you start today." Camila says, happily, "You're going to come to my house today and sleepover. My Mom had to go on a business trip or something so my Dad and Sofia went with her. Which means my house is going to be empty for the next week."

"Do I have to sleepover? What am I supposed to tell my Mom?"

"That you're sleeping over at my house. Your mom does still love me after all. She definitely won't have a problem with that."

I sigh, "Fine, but I need to go home to grab clothes."

"Nope, just borrow mine. You better not ruin them though."

"I don't want to borrow your clothes. I'm just going to go get mine."

"No. Being our bitch means you listen to everything we say and do it. So listen to what I'm saying, you're going straight to my house right now. No pitstops, no nothing." Camila says sternly, "Got it?"

I unwillingly nod.

"Good, let's get going then. Did you bring your car?"

"No." I mumble, as the 6 of us start heading towards the parking lot.

"Perfect, you can come with me then." Camila says.

We get to the parking lot, which is already empty, and Camila and I get into her car while the other girls get into their own cars.

I don't talk the entire ride there. I just stare out of the window, praying to God that whatever's going to happen to me tonight will be over quickly.

A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for all the votes on the last chapter! It meant a lot! hope you guys like this chapter and please vote if you did!

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