Chapter 20: Camila

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*2 days later*

I'm in the extremely long Starbucks line with Dinah right now. Skylar's back at my house with the other three girls. The girls are probably making her do something totally unnecessary right now. Serves her right.

Dinah's talking to me about her massive crush on Ross. The kid who yelled at Mr. Landry before throwing a piece of paper at him and walking out of class.

I still don't understand Dinah's taste in guys. Like it is seriously all over the place.

Dinah continues to talk about Ross as the line barely moves. I look around the Starbucks not looking for anything special, but my eyes lock onto a familiar face.


She's sitting at a table talking to two people.

Why is she here? Who is she with? Oh wait that's Mark and Olivia. What are they talking about? Maya and Mark look annoyed or angry about whatever they're talking about to Olivia.

"He's just so cute Chanco. I don't know. I think he's the one. Like I really-"

"Dinah shut up." I say, continuing to stare in Maya's direction.

"Wow, that was rude" Dinah states.

"I'm sorry, but Maya's here with Mark and Olivia." I say pointing in their direction.

Dinah says, "They look like they're pretty mad."

"I know. What are they talking about? What if it's about Skylar?"

"Let's go sit down at a table near them to listen. They haven't noticed us yet." Dinah suggests.

I nod in agreement and we carefully walk over to a table near them so we can hear.

"I don't know guys. There's no way."

"Olivia, I'm telling you Skylar would never act like that. The girls are clearly getting to her. Maya says.

"Yeah, they're probably blackmailing her Liv." Mark says.

Olivia sighs, "Yeah, but she was literally hanging out with them today. I feel like they're getting along these days. Maybe Skylar's just changed."

Maya replies, "No way Liv. Skylar would never treat any of us like this. She's my best friend. I know her. Somethings seriously wrong."

"Okay, say that you're right. What do you even want to do about it?"

"We can help her if we just get her alone. Get her away from the girls for a second." Mark says.

Maya adds, "Yeah, we can figure out what's wrong and maybe even report them for whatever they're doing. There's no way that there's nothing we can do to help."

Oh hell no. We literally just got her to listen, there's no way in hell they're going to mess with that.

I look at Dinah, before I stand up and start walking towards the table.

"Camila, where are you going?" Dinah whisper-yells after me.

"Hey guys," I smile at the three of them as I walk up to their table with Dinah right next to me, "whatcha talking about?"

"Oh hey guys!" Olivia says, clearly panicked.

"Hmm seems like you guys are having an interesting conversation. Why not share with the rest of us?" Dinah says.

"It's none of your damn business. Stay out of it." Mark says.

"I don't know about that. I think I heard my name a couple times? What do you think Mila?"

"I think I heard it more than I would've liked." I reply.

"Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, you wouldn't have heard it at all." Maya says, sarcastically smiling.

I scoff, "takes one to know one, doesn't it Maya? Do you want me to tell everyone about all the shit you said about your supposed to be friend Maria? Or how about what happened between you and Samuel?"

Maya looks at me with her eyes wide open, shocked by what I just said.

"What is she talking about Maya?" Olivia.

"S-shut up. Y-you d-don't know what you're talking about." Maya replies.

"Oh don't I? Remember when Maya moved to another school in middle school?" I ask, looking at Mark and Olivia, "Yeah well there was a girl named Maria there. They became friends, but I guess she wasn't popular enough for Maya. So Maya decided t-"

"Shut up!" Maya yells, "j-just please, shut up."

I smirk, "if you don't want me to tell everyone your dirty little secret then I suggest you keep out of my business."

"Oh please. Maya, it can't be that bad. You tell us. Don't let her hold any power over you." Mark says.

"Oh Mark, don't think I forget about you. Let's not forget about all the shit you did to Bella. You know, your ex girlfriend."

Mark looks like all the blood drained from his face as soon as I said her name.

"You got so lucky we didn't ruin your life for what you did to her." Dinah says, glaring at him.

"Yeah, trust me, I would've exposed you about that a long time ago if Bella wasn't so against it. You got lucky. Now, if both of you don't want your secrets to get out to the whole school," I put both my hands on the table, leaning in, "then I suggest you stay far away from Skylar and from the rest of us. If I hear about any of you getting involved where you shouldn't, trust me, I'll make your life a living hell. All of your secrets will come out. Got it?"

They begrudgingly nod.

"Good," I say getting up to walk away, but I stop and turn around once more, "oh and Liv."

Olivia looks up at me.

"You haven't gotten involved in this and I suggest you keep it like that. Unless you want me to dig up your past too."

Oliva nods at me and I smile.

"Alright, we'll see you guys in class." I say, as we walk to the exit.

Dinah says, "Jesus Mila, I haven't seen you do that since Middle school."

Yeah, but now I'm threatening the people who want to protect Skylar from us. The irony.

"They need to learn to mind their own business. Honestly." I reply pushing the door open so we can leave the store.

"Wait, are we not getting Starbucks?"

"I'm not in the mood for Starbucks anymore."

"Oh come on. They made this new refresher I really want to try." Dinah whines in disappointment.

"Let's just get its another time. I just wanna go home."

A/N: Hey guys! I think this book is coming to an end pretty soon. Please keep voting for each chapter thought because it def encourages me to finish chapters quicker! Thank you for all your votes on the previous chapters!

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