Chapter 21

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Skylars POV

I'm laying on the floor in Camila's bedroom as the girls head out. Today was the last night I had to be in this hellhole. Thank God. This was the most slow, and agonizing week that I have ever been through. I'm glad that by tomorrow I'll be free.

I start letting  the sleep overtake when Camila marches in, throwing the door open.

"Nuh uh, wake up Skylar." Camila says, kicking me lightly.

I groan, covering my face with the blanket she gave me.

"You still have to tell me about your dad. Don't think I forgot. Either tell me now, or I'll just figure it out by myself and tell the whole school in the process."

"Camila, it's nothing!" I yell.

"Why are you making this so difficult. Just tell me."

"It's none of your damn business!" I say, looking at her.

"I bet your dad just left you." She mumbles.

"What?" I ask, sitting up.

"I bet your dad realized how much of a loser his daughter is and decided to leave. He couldn't handle being embarrassed by you any longer, so he packed his bags and left."

I feel like my heart is beating in my throat after I hear what she says. I try my best to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. "No, h-he didn't." I stutter out with a broken voice.

"How do you know that Skylar? Have you ever wondered why everyone decides to leave you? Maybe you're the problem Skylar. Maybe if you weren't such a loser people would want to be around you. Your own dad was embarrassed of you that's why he left."

"No, t-that's n-not true." I mumble, vigorously shaking my head.

"Your dad left because of you Skylar. Everyone leaves because of you. It's always your fault. You're the reason your dad isn't around. Yo-"

"HE'S DEAD!" I yell.

The room falls silent after my outburst. Camila looks taken back by what she just heard.

"W-what?" Camila asks, making sure if she heard correctly.

"He's dead." I say quietly, wiping away the tears that are now falling down my cheeks, "He died on his last tour. Two soldiers came to our house on a Sunday morning and everything changed."

I think back to that memory, and I can't help but scoff a little, "my mom was making waffles."


"Erin and I were messing around in the kitchen and my mom was making us waffles. Then the doorbell rang. We were all so happy until that doorbell rang, and then our lives changed quicker than we could've ever imagined. We were making waffles and then our world came crashing down."

"H-how? W-what happened?" 

"He was on the front lines. He was trying to get a family out of the line of fire, and he did. But, then he wanted to go back and make sure there were no more civilians left. They tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen. My dad was always a stubborn one. He never made it back. He saved a family that day, but it cost him ours."

"H-how did I not know?" Camila mumbles to herself.

"No one knew about the funeral. It was only our family that came. We didn't want anyone to give us pity. Besides there wasn't much to say goodbye to. They didn't even find a body. I didn't even get to see my dad one last time. Maybe that was for the best though. The last memory I have of him is him smiling at me and telling me he loves me. I think I'd like to keep it like that. That's how I want to remember him." I wipe away the silents tears that I didn't know fell, and I look up at her, "so no Camila, my dad didn't willingly leave us behind. He wasn't embarrassed of me. That's the one thing you can say and I will never believe. I know my dad, and I know he loved me. Don't talk about something you have no idea about."

"S-Skylar, I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't-"

"You didn't know? I know. I didn't want you to. By the time my dad died, you and I were not friends. You and the girls hated me, so you were the last people I wanted to tell about this. Can you guys just leave me alone. Seriously. This is the last night I have here, just please leave me alone after tonight." I say, laying back down on the floor and covering myself with the blanket.

Camila's POV

*The next morning*

"Her dad's dead?" Lauren asks, shocked.

The girls came to my house at 7 am today. I texted them to get here before Skylar left today.

"Man, I just thought her dad left them." Mani mumbles to herself, rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, I did too." I mumble out a response, thinking about last nights events.

"Guys, we really fucked this up." Dinah says, as she falls onto the couch.

"Can you imagine how much she went through during that time? She was so close to her dad growing up. She went to him for everything. Losing him would've been an impossible thing to deal with. We were supposed to be there for her. Instead, we just made it so much worse." Ally says, following Dinah to the couch.

"What were we supposed to do Ally?" Normani says, as the rest of us make our way to the other couch, "It was the only way."

"Not to mention we were way younger. We thought it was for the best." Dinah says.

"I think we need to come clean about everything guys." I respond.

"What do you mean?" Lauren asks.

"We need to tell her everything. Why we did what we did. Why we were so against Mark and her dating. Why we hurt her the way we did. Everything." I say.

"Camila, what good does that do?" Lauren asks.

"Yeah Mila, She'll never forgive us. She'll never understand why we did it." Dinah adds.

"I know, but I can't keep doing this to her guys. This is so fucked up. Like why are we acting like we don't care about her? We all know that we care about her so much. Why the fuck are we hurting her like this." I ask.

"You know why Camila. It's cause of that stupid deal we made!" Normani says, growing irritated at the thought of the mistake we made years ago.

"Screw the stupid deal! Who gives a fuck about it. We'll deal with that problem when we get there. Right now, I know I need to come clean to her before she leaves. Guys, I can't let her think that I chose to hate her. I can't let her think that for the rest of her life. Her dad died, and we weren't there. We were supposed to be there, but we weren't. Nothing will ever make up for that and for all the shit we did after, but I need to at least come clean to her. I need her to know everything."

"I'm with Mila." Ally says.

"Come on Ally, just try to under-" I cut myself off, "wait, what?"

"I said I'm with you."

"Seriously?" I ask, surprised at how easy it was to convince her.

"Yeah, I never liked how we treated Skylar and I definitely don't want to keep treating her like this. Especially after what we just found out. We messed up big time, and no amount of sorry or regret will probably ever make up for it, but that doesn't mean we don't try. I need her to know everything too."

"Yeah, me too." Dinah says.

"Same." Normani says.

"I mean, she'll probably never forgive us and we'll probably never get to be apart of her life again, but that's better than letting her think we wanted to do this." Lauren says.

As soon as Lauren finishes her sentence, we hear Skylar banging on the bedroom door, screaming, "Hey! Let me out of here! The week is over, I want to go home!"

I sigh, and get up off the couch, "well, it's now or never guys."

A/N: Hey guys! Please keep voting for each chapter thought because it def encourages me to finish chapters quicker! Thank you for all your votes on the previous chapters!

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