Chapter 6: Lauren

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"Hey, Lauren! Can you come in here for a minute?" My Dad asks as soon as I enter the house.

I walk over to the office room and step inside. "What's up?" I ask.

"So, you know how you wanted me to get your friend, Skylar, a job?"

"Yeah? I thought you said she denied the first time you offered it."

"She did. But, her Mom just called and said that Skylar wants to take the job if it's still available."

I smirk, "Really? What days are you going to have her work?"

"Well, her first day is tomorrow. I'm thinking of having her work every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday."

Wow, knowing Skylar she won't be able to balance school and work if she has a schedule like that. I think working four days is plenty for her.

"Geez Dad, maybe don't make her work on Tuesdays? She's still a student, it'll be too overwhelming for her."

"Hmm, good point. Alright, we'll do that then." My dad's phone starts to ring. He picks up the phone, "Alright, I just wanted to give you the news. Close the door on your way out please."

I walk out of the room and close the door behind me. I immediately pull out my phone and start to text the girls.

Lauren: Guys you will not believe what just happened.

Ally: What?

Lauren: Dad just told me that Skylar took the job he offered a few months ago. She's going to work for our company now.

Dinah: Wait, are you serious?

Lauren: Yes, why would I lie?

Camila: This is perfect! It's exactly what we wanted!

Normani: Yeah, now we can keep a closer eye on her and figure out who this boyfriend is.

Ally: When's her first day?

Lauren: Tomorrow.

Camila: We're totally going to the company right after school tomorrow.

Lauren: That's what I was planning on doing.

Dinah: Don't have to tell me twice.

Wow, everything really does work out the way you want it in the end.

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