Chapter 13: The letter

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"Whats comin' will come, and we'll meet when it does"


Birds were singing as they flew across the clear, light sky while a pleasantly cool breeze rushed around. The day was as dazzling as ever, but not that good for Vanysh.

She had another strange night of nightmares, but this time they went beyond a run in the woods.

It was 7:30 A.M. when she was sitting at the kitchen table sipping her lemon tea and eating an apple when there was a knock on her door.

—Who the hell would call me at this time in the morning? -She said as she got up and practically crawled to the other table where she left the phone.

When she answered it, a strange woman started talking.

—Do you know Lilly Donfort?


—So this is really you!


—The one who took that poor girl!

—Do y'all have a "Karen club" or something?

—You're a terrible person who doesn't even deserve to live.
—You should have been taken away to hell!

—Unlike your little friend, you're not that creative with making stuff up.
—Improve your diction and then come talk to me. -She hung up and threw the phone in the couch.

—Dumb bitch.

After that she gulped the rest of the tea down, finished the apple and went for a little walk.



Since Lilly has only given my number to her faithful, stupid followers, I can still leave the house without being attacked or recognized by them.

I wanted to enjoy the walk a little bit more, but all this confusion has taken my mood away. And just to think about my responsibilities with these searches or my daily paranoias, my anxiety increases.

Today I decided to explore another part of the city, but ended up facing the forest. Oh, the forest. It seduces me in every time I look at it, but I can no longer give in to the temptation of exploring it. The town is the only safe place for us right now.


While walking on this unknown street, she ended up in the Junk Ward's block and then decided to pass by and give a "Sup" to her friends.

When Vanysh entered it, she could see Richy sitting alone in the counter.


—It's nice to see you.

—It's nice to see you too.

—Can you believe that a guy came here and bought some windshield wipers just so that he could use the bathroom?

—Did you charge him for a bathroom pass?

—Vanysh, you're hired! -he laughed.
—So, we talked about Thomas yesterday, and I think that we should not confront him about it-

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