Chapter 29: Mission Accomplished

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"We'll survive.
You and I."


The day was dark, cold and sad.  Overcome by depression and an agonizing grief.

When we left the cemetery I left everyone at my house to keep each other company and went back to the station along with Jessy, who wanted to wait for Phill.

—And to think this is going to be your second home from now on... -She said as soon as we entered the station.

—It ain't going to be a problem for me, if you wanna know.
—It's my natural habitat.

—Are you happy?

—I mean, it's not exactly the same since this is Duskwood and not Colville, but yea.

—You are going to stay here with us, won't you?
—Please, Vanysh, I can't lose you as well.

—What are you talking about?

—This is finally ending, and well, now that you decided to go back to the police...

—I don't intend to leave, no.
—Things are not the same anymore, but how could I let all of this behind?

She smiled.

Soon after that, Phill entered the station along with two police officers, causing Jessy to jump up and run towards him.

—PHILL! -She hugged him.


—I missed you so much.

—I missed you too. -He hugged her back.

As soon as Jessy let him go, he looked at me and came in my direction.

—I am eternally grateful to you, Vanysh.
—Thank you so much for getting me out of that hell.

—You are welcome, Phill.
—But now I'll need to make you a few questions.


He then saw my uniform.

—Wait a minute, you're one of them?!

—Now I am.

—You look nice in that uniform. -He smirked.

—Let's go.

—Where are you taking him?!
—He isn't a suspect anymore.

—But there are a few things I still don't know about him.
—Don't worry, Jessy, you will have him back pretty soon.



A few minutes later, me, Alan and Anna were investigating Phill in one of those rooms with a big mirror. But he didn't have handcuffs or anything. We just wanted to know about the details that were missing.

—How did you end up being the owner of the Aurora bar?

—I have been interested in buying Aurora for a long time, but I have never been able to get in touch with Michael Hanson. So after a few years that the bar had been abandoned, I decided to just borrow it.


—Yea, kind of.

—And how did you end up having Jennifer's bracelet?

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