Chapter 15: Call me Sherlok

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"Believe those who are seeking the truth.
Doubt those who find it."


-Jessy! -Vanysh ran towards her as soon as she saw that they were alone again.

Her pulse was steady. She was alive, just unconscious.

"Fuck. What am I going to do now?"

-We need to go...

When Vanysh saw that she wouldn't wake up so fast, she decided to put Jessy in her car and take her to her house.


They finally got there, but Jessy was waking up and sleeping continuously.


-Jessy! -she turned around in a hurry when she heard her voice.

-Where are we?

-At my house. You're in my spair room.
-I don't know exactly where you live and I was worried because of the hit you took, so I decided to bring you here.
-Tomorrow we will see what we are going to do. But now you need to rest.

She left Jessy alone and went to the kitchen drink some water and wait for the adrenaline to pass.

Right after that Phill started calling Jessy, and Vanysh only answered because she thought Phill could take her home.

-I've told you enough times that it can't go on like this.
-I even came to you.
-I waited almost the whole night but neither Cleo or Thomas showed up in the Aurora.
-What's your excuse this time?

-I've got no other choice but to go to the police.
-I'm sorry, but enough is enough.


-Wait, this isn't Jessy.

-Congratz, Sherlok.
-Jessy was attacked. She was unconscious for a few minutes.


-Yea. I brought her to my house, but It would be really great if you passed by and took her home.

-This must be a joke.
-Who is this?


-Jessy's little friend.

-Exactly. I live 2 blocks from the main supermarket. It's a two floor white house with lots of plants on the outside.
-See you here. -She hung up.

"Now I just wait".


10 minutes later, Phill showed up at her house and impatiently rang the bell.

He was about to say something really rude, but when he looked at Vanysh, he got speechless.

-You're Jessy's brother?

He kept staring at her.

-Well, she didn't mention you were mute.

Even though Vanysh already didn't like him that much, she had to admit he was hot.

Phill wore his medium, dark brown and shaved at the sides hair in a ponytail. He was also partially strong and had several tattoos all over his body. Of all of them, the one that drew the most attention was the one with a bat on his neck. But the most surprising thing Vanysh could notice was his "innocent cute" face, which didn't quite match his behavior or style.

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