Chapter 18: Good and bad news

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"At dusk, death came to me in the form of a man"


Part of the afternoon had already passed, and meanwhile, Vanysh was organizing her work stuff and the investigation board when Carol suddently called her.


-I've got news!

-Good or bad news?


-Oh! Did you do it?!

-Yes. I've waited for everyone to get distracted so that I could enter one of the computers.
-It's done, Vanysh. I shared something very, very interesting.

-What is it?

-You will want to see that yourself.

Carol sent Vanysh a photo of a chat between her police station office and another one, along with a screenshot from a news site.

Chat photo

"-Good morning. For security reasons, I come to warn about the importance of finding this hacker wanted by the government. We are currently receiving information that there are suspicions about him having taken a plane to Russia.

-Thanks for keeping us informed. A few days ago we heard about the case, but there was no information about it.

-We will share this to other police stations and higher agents.

-Please do that as soon as possible."

Screen shot

"It is believed by the U.S.A. police that a very dangerous and unknown government-wanted hacker, who they believe to be named Jake, has been located in Moscow this morning due to some suspicious activity."

-Fuck, this is so good.
-More than good. It's perfect.
-Exactly what we needed.

-I think so too.

-Are you sure that no one saw you?

-Yes. I was very careful with that.


-Thank you so much, Carol. I won't ever forget that.

-You are welcome, Vanysh.

-Please let me know if Jake did it.

-I will. And let me know about how things are going there.


-Hopefully things will go according to plan and you will have your hacker "friend" back.


-Ha! You don't even deny anymore!

She laughed.

-That would be useless anyway.


-It's kinda funny how you always end up in the most complicated kind of situation.

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