Chapter 28: And we meet again for the last time

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"Bad things happen when angry people grieve"


Vanysh held her phone tightly and desperately looked around to find a way out of there as soon as he hung up.
Her heart was beating so hard and fast that she could feel her entire body throbbing.

She started to run and run over the stream of people who were coming towards her to see the fireworks that had just been launched in the sky.

It was so much information that she had nothing on her mind.  She just kept running as the fireworks lit up the sky glamorously and the people she ran over complained. But luckily the fireworks were making such a loud and deafening noise that she couldn't hear half the slurs.

Now, she was driving faster than her car could even bear.


When Vanysh had finally arrived at the hut, the lights were on and everything looked normal, except for the fact that everything was so quiet she could hear the noise of the festival from miles away.

Her heart pounded even harder and a stomach ache hit her along with shortness of breath and shivering just to think that they might be dead by now.

Everything looked very suspicious as it was extremely quiet.  The sky was dazzling, but Vanysh's reality was getting worse and worse.
The back door was broken and the hallway rug was all twisted. There was fighting.

With caution and an impulse generated by anxiety, Vanysh entered the house and headed towards the living room, which had only the lamp on, making her step back and stop in the hallway to watch.
She couldn't see anything in the darkness, but an attempt to scream gave her a new direction.

It was coming from near the fireplace, which had suddenly been lit by a match that had emerged from the pitch black.
As the wood began to burn, the light emitted from it gave Vanysh a new vision that paralyzed her.

The Man Without a Face was facing her, and behind him were all of her friends tied up on the ground and with a tape over their mouths. They looked as desperate as she did, but that wasn't for nothing.
She then approached slowly, but keeping her distance and trying to keep on her feet.

—I thought you'd never join us.

—How did you...

—Get here?
—I followed you.

—This is between me, you and Hanna.
—They have nothing to do with it.

—They crossed my path. Now it's about everyone.
—By the way, you did not call the police, did you?


—Otherwise I would have to shoot someone again.

—AGAIN? -She windened her eyes and took an agressive step foward.

—That "tough" guy over there. -She pointed at Dan, whose leg was full of blood.

—Oh my-
—Are you okay, Dan?

He tried to speak, but it wasn't possible to understand what.

—He is bleeding!

—Like a normal human being.
—But he isn't dying just yet. Don't worry.

—Let them go.
—I'm not kidding.

—Neither am I.
—The only ones leaving this house alive tonight is me and you.

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