Chapter 17: Justice

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"Don't worry. Wonderland is better when you're lost"


Vanysh decided to keep going with her investigation board and stuff until it was the time to go meet her friends at the Junkyard.

In the middle of the process, Lilly messaged her.

-Can I go to your place rn? -She started.
-So that we can go on

-Hum... Sure.

-Good, cause I'm already in front of your house

-You what??

Vanysh instantly left her phone in the table and looked at the window.

And there Lilly was, standing in front of her car while staring at her window and waving to Vanysh.

-Sassy bitch. -Vanysh said to herself as she went downstars in a hurry to open the door.

-Hey, again.


-So, let's go on then. Come on in.

They sat at the kitchen table and took their phones to start doing their "work" again.

-What have you got for me now, blondie?

-Well, that's what I was going to ask you. Have you found what that wierd sequence of numbers was?

-Of course.
-It was a contact ID.

-And who is behind this number?

-Jake most likely.

-Wait, I'll add the contact too real quick -She immediatly added it.
-Hm. But how do we go on now?

-Let me see...

Vanysh opened "Nymos's" contact to see if she could get any answers from it or him.

-Hacker boy, is that you? -She asked, but no one answered.

After that, she opened his profile to see if it had anything useful there, and just like she thought, it did.

-An e-mail...

-An e-mail?

-Yes. ""
-I will send something to this e-mail, which I suppose to be Jake's.

"Hello, Jake. It's me, the key"

-Ok, done.

-Did you send him a message?


-So now we wait?

-Now we wait.

5 minutes had passed when that very same e-mail answered Vanysh with a black picture.

-Ok, we have an answer.

-What is it?

-Take a look yourself. -She gave her the phone.

-And what now?

Vanysh instantly selected it again just like she had done before to see if it had any hidden message.


A random code, which was hidden, appeared.

-What did you do?

-Nothing new, actually.
-Anyway, I don't know what to do with it now.

-Maybe there is an specific place for you to send this code?

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